Printing ABS on PEI Plate Best Practices

This is what works for me.

Ideally you want the chamber temp as warm as possible. This is how I “preheat” the chamber.

  • Turn the bed on full (100-120c depending on your supply voltage)
  • Home the machine (to bring the bed to the top)
  • Turn on the aux fan so it will blow across the top of the hot bed.

This will get you a chamber temp or 45-50ish in about 10-15 minutes.

Keep the build plate as clean as possible. Oils from your hands cause adhesion issues so be very careful when you handle the plate and remove parts from it. If you start to have adhesion issues. Wash the plate with hot water and dish soap.

If you have a part that really wants to warp (high wall cout can cause this) adding a brim with 0 “object - brim gap” will help.