Really odd inner wall issue

Hi people,

I’m really in need of some help.

I am getting an issue that is only effecting my inner walls. It seems to be happening on most things I try to print (but not all as I tried a primative block with 6 walls and 25% infill and it was pefect), no matter what wall count, but more with higher wall count. I can have multiple parts on the build plate but it will only effect a curtain part and it will do it in the same area every time.

From what I can see, its like it is missing a very small section, then the filament for that section is then building up into a little blob.

I can’t seem to find anything like it on google. So I am out of ideas, I am wasting loads of filament as it often only happens after printing the part for a while.

In the pictures I have included one picture with blue arrows, showing where the issue starts and stops and the rest will print fine. This is two different attemps and the position of the issue follows.

After further inspecion of the failed prints, I also see that the section with the issue quite a lot higher than the rest of the print that is good, please see attached picture of this.

Can I assume the filament is calibrated?

So if I may summarize, you’re having the following problems:

  1. Issue affects inner walls on most prints, but not all.
  • When you say “most prints” is it on the same model?
  1. More frequent with higher wall count.
  • More frequent. Do you mean that this issue is random or can you reliably reproduce it? Is it on specific areas of the model?
  1. Multiple parts on build plate; issue affects a specific part in the same area every time.
  • When you say a specific part, do you mean a specific model? Do you mean in the same area of the build plate or the same area on the model?
  1. Missing a small section, causing filament to build up into a blob.
  • Can you show a close-up photo of the “missing section”? It’s hard to visualize what you mean.
  1. Pictures show where the issue starts and stops, consistent across different attempts.
  • I’m afraid even with the pictures, this “start and stop” is unclear, can you annotate the area in the photos where you are describing these issues to make it more clear?
  1. Failed prints show the problematic section is significantly higher than the rest of the good print.
  • What do you mean by “Failed Print” is significantly higher?

If you want the community to help, here is what I might suggest.

  1. Provide closeups of the affected areas, your current photos are not clear enough to see what you found to be unsatisfactory, zooming in on the problem area might help.
  2. Please provide a screen shot of the sliced area and annotate what the slicer intended to lay down.
  3. Have you tried another filament and did the results remain the same?
  4. Can you try another color? Red is a bad color for photography. Black or grey are better suited as they will show details a little better. Also, try dimming the room light a little more to increase contrast in the photos.
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Really appreciate you taking the time to ask these questions. After posting on the Bambu reddit, someone pointed me in the right direction. I found that my Max Volumetric Speed was set to 29mm3/s. No idea how this happened, but ive lowered it to 12 and seems much better now.

Before I changed this, I ran one of the models I had been having issues with constantly at 50% overnight and it printed fine. Now I have changed the setting to 12 it is perfect at 100%

Thanks for closing the loop and letting the community know of your success.