But its not a real fast start. Only a little optimized. The fastest start would be
heat bed and nozzle
Which include that the AMS should not unload at the end of print and will start with the same filamet as it stoped before. Some people did this already.
I was looking for a FastStart gcode for Bambulab A1 but I am only finding for X1, P1… I tried them but the printer detects that this is not for A1 and they are not accepted. I have checked the initial and final gcode but I don’t understand a lot of codes I don’t want to make a mess if I delete lines just by intuition. Anyone can help me please? 5 years with an ender3 and now I am a noob again :_(. Thanks in advance from Barcelona
I’ve tried custom profiles but they don’t all seem to be up to date with the latest firmawre and the latest version of Bambu Studio, the recurring problem is a Z offset problem. The ones I’ve tried without success :
As suggested by @Schmudihere, this would be very usefull, shorter purge lines could be added, and for AMS users, the filament could not also be unloaded to save time on the next print.
Hello! Did you find something that works for the A1?
I also print very often small parts, and it’s very frustrating to wait 6 minutes to print something for 2 minutes, 3 minutes or 6 minutes.
I have my printer very calibrated, I need the option to just do a very little filament purge to clean the tip of the nozzle I guess, the two lines and then just go to print