Hello, im having a problem with shrinking in certain areas, that i cant seem to get rid of.
Im not sure whats going on, but i as you can see in the pictures theres an inward going shrink in the bottom part. This shrink only happens where the bottom plate is.
The bottom is 2 mm thick, and the shrink is only in that area.
The starting angle from the build plate is just about 45°
Ths bottom plate is 3 layer bottom, infill and 5 layer top. 0,2mm layerheight and 3 perimiters in walls.
It is a common Bambu problem that so far no one managed to fully fix.
Comes from a mix of layer speed, flow rate and wall speed.
The material you are using is a significant factor in the question of whether shrinkage occurs including being enclosed or not.
Which type of filament are you using specifically?
Whilst shrinkage is a problem, it is not a problem of Bambu Lab, it is a physics issue related to how some materials act when changing from their normal state to their melt point and then back to their normal state again.
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im using bambulab pla basic, on a A1, but i dont see this problem on a less steap angle. with same material and so on.
How big is the model? Can you show a screenshot of the slicer screen with the whole shape in the frame?
I only need to see the section that meets the build-plate, no need to divulge any secrets.
If the model occupies a large amount of the build plate and the model is tall, it could be something a brim could help with. It can help to spread the heat out from the model.