Slicer keeps leaving gaps in model

I have sliced this thing every way I can. I’ve run it through FreeCAD and MeshLab’s non-manifold repair. The STL is solid, but the slicer consistently leave huge gaps between sections of the model. I can’t run the slicer’s mesh repair because, of course, it’s not available in Linux. Does anyone have any suggestions?

Yes, give me the model, I’ll see if I can repair it and then tell you how I did it.

Fixed-LowerReceiver.3mf (886.0 KB)
Try that. This was after fixing it in MeshLab. Bambu Studio still says it has non-manifold edges.

See if it works already. I have repaired the edges in Bambustudio with the Windows service. I have no errors when slicing.

Fixed-LowerReceiver.3mf (957,6 KB)

PS: I can’t fix everything with MeshLab. To be honest, it’s pretty bad at it. I’ve often tried that too.

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That looks perfect, thank you!

No problem, gladly again.