Another day, another “Dust Cover”. Bambu Labs really made a shoddy machine if the neverending array of dust and debris covers in the feed indicates.
I get that mods are fun and all that, but please can we get over the utter snake oil treatments that spam the feed daily. They aren’t solving any problem, dust hasn’t been a factor in any failure or excessive wear case from the thousands of hours running creality and bambu printers (non-enclosed too shock/horror).
Take a look at a reputable print farm located inside a warehouse shed, typically it is regular maintenance that prolongs machine life and not a 1g cap over a semi-sealed bearing.
I really want @MakerWorld to implement a Block User option so I don’t have to see these things, the tag filters are useless.
The other is fixing non-problems like chute covers. I’ll never understand them.
As an “up-standing” male I find making the target hole smaller to be counterproductive
chute covers keep heat in, dust sticks to grease and oils. Some rooms are dustier than others.
Not trying to be insensitive here, but, maybe it is time for some housekeeping exercises. It has helped me out a lot.
Im so tired of trolls. The downfall of society. Bet you dont use a filter on your ac because of the same reason. Filters are such a waste. Why sweep or dust, since you dont shed skin
And I bet none of these comments get taken down even though they are just bashing others designs.
Hot air rises. I’m not averse to cleaning as part of regular maintenance, just pointing fun at those who think a 2g piece of pla is going to make their printer last longer than one without said snake oil. Trollolololo
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Keep heat in?
I don’t use one and print ABS, ASA, and some PA6 without it. Heat rises. In addition that long slit in the back lets a bit of air by. Just saying.
Dust is easy to mitigate. Clean.
There is also no seal in these parts. Dust still gets in.
The filter sarcasm is an Apples to Oranges comparison.
Lastly, if you wish to make the unit less prone to dust, then stop printing. Anyone who prints a lot of ABS knows what I’m talking about. As well, the printers are not airtight. Dust gets in no matter what plastic you put over the belt tensioner. If you live in a dusty environment then a cover or regular cleaning (or both) are far better alternatives.
I’m sorry, those little covers do nothing more than earn people points.
No one’s trolling. The opinion stated was valid. If you disagree, cool. Opposing opinions generate conversation. Calling someone a troll because you disagree seems a bit much.
So I’m a troll now. Cool, is there a badge for that?
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Calm down petal. I targeted no specific person or model, but raised an “Off-Topic” post about something I think is frivolous. Feel free to block me and not read any further on this thread
Don’t mind him.
He has it out for a mod, feels victimized. Yet that very mod keeps him from getting banned by sticking to the rules he claimes that mod breaks.
It’s a head scratcher.
Doesn’t bother me, I missed the conversation overnight and only got one of the posts inboxed. I don’t require any mod favours and welcome the strap of justice if I break any rules, trollolololo isn’t quite over the line but if it is so be it.
I usually roll with it, but he’s been an on going thing. Tried to help him understand once, didn’t work.
Jon brought the rules into play with him, now he claims there are favorites and yada yada yada. It’s not trolling per se, it’s more of a “I can’t do this but HE can” thing. Sometimes the forest get’s in the way of his trees.
And here I am with sketchy internet today, oh well housework and dust collection duties top of my list today
Ps not to mention my pair of doggos losing their winter coats
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This is nuts. Thanks for further proving my point.