One day I’m going to find something to fit between the printer and my AMS riser. I lose some heat there but it seems not enough to make it drop below 56
If you could control the temperature, would you reconsider using the mod for more demanding filaments? I suppose one would have to insulate the printer 's case to ensure minimum loss of heat in the chamber.
Not really. I really have no or little need for those filaments.
I actually built that heater more to just do it than need.
I like building stuff like that. There’s an active heater on AliExpress for $60ish. I meant to look around and find the file they’re using but forgot. it’s simple though.
PPS-CF and PPS-GF , people are wild about it. I want to try it.
Of course, low salaries are very tempting and the wages are low there. But the full understanding of why someone pays more for something is simply not there yet. Swiss engineering is also based on a change in the straw industry. May I have it wrong in my head, but there were also big investors from England at the beginning but also those looking for new income during and after the Second World War where this developed from the rural environment. But for sure investors who continued to work very closely with ther workers.
I just watched a documentary on Swiss television. A young woman who is learning the profession of a road builder (not as a planner as the road builder in wind and rain). Next year (after some) she will be fully trained and will start with a starting salary of 6,000 euros per month with her 13th annual salary and early retirement. If she had invested 4 years more to studieng at a university, she would probably have had to gain another 5 years of practical experience (so 9 years more) before she could even come close to such an income and then with massively more competition. And she has not yet received further training to become a machine operator or foreman. That would be further training on the next level…
If you deliver what is wanted… if not…
Or as Robert Bosch (1861-1942) said: I don’t pay good wages because I have a lot of money, but I have a lot of money because I pay good wages.
May the X1c is a proof that you can possibly make a good machine, which can also regenerate the possible demand for good wages to start a real production line. Sometimes you just have to wait.
Where did this came from, Hank?
Well, you have to read carefully, I was addressed The relation to low wages was mentioned And if not, just ignore it
I would too. I’m not interested in the prices. I know I wouldn’t need a full or half spool. Maybe 250g to start.
Going to play with PA6 again this weekend.
It’s still early days. As PPS gains in popularity, prices should come down.
Thanks for the advice. Will take it under…advisement.
Just for the sake of completeness.
I thought they had disappeared but apparently something is still alive by Co Print.
It was once mentioned on a video that you can do TPU - but the question has probably not yet been completely answered. However, it’s no longer the most interesting question which I ask myself - You get used to everything and there are 1000 ways to get to Rome.
On the website it is mentioned that the print head can print TPU - but since Bambulab we know that if one can do TPU, the other does not necessarily have to be able to do it too…
That interesting. I see that Co Print is headquartered in Turkey. First time I’ve heard of anything 3D printing related come from there.
Up next: a printer that prints Turkish Delight and makes Turkish coffee to go with it. Ah… now that sure would be nice for a mid-afternoon wake-up. My Jura can’t do Turkish coffee. A genuine hole that needs to be filled by somebody.
But they have been on the market for a long time, the product was announced a year ago and is a further development of their old one.
In general, the approach seems much more interesting to me if I weren’t so lazy. I really only screw for cash. And by the time I start to screw, It have to have something with 200 - 100`000 kw attached to it. But since I do no longer using planes it mostenly ends by 4000 kw
However, flexibility on spool size, faster maintenance with abrasive. I could imagine that on a Sovol SV08, that could possibly be interesting for me if it onec in a lifetime is needed and solves a problem which cash in.
What does that even mean? Good use of vernacular, though. Let’s have more of that. The more tawdry the better. It’s the spice of life.
Imagine that. This is getting better by the day. I can’t wait. The future is so bright I have to wear shades.
A 20 cent seal without claims can stop hugh things. If the seal wasn’t needed, it wouldn’t be there. And there are so many seals that one is always missing.
An interesting premise. Perhaps you can elaborate? Which huge things did you have in mind?
Hopefully we can all agree that even for a retired German, Hank has a rather distinctive way of expressing ideas. Are you all still wanting to stick with the Occam’s Razor conclusion? Previously, I was against sharing a forum with chatbots, but I’ve reconsidered and no longer object as long as they have something interesting to contribute. I think Hank meets that second criteria, so whether carbon or silicon I have no objection either way. And, well, why not? It’s the inevitable future. The more the merrier, I suppose. Better than useless lurkers, which, by the view count numbers, is the majority.
Moving on… Amazon Prime day is October 8-9. Those in the market for a 3D printer will probably find extra discounts then, not just on amazon, but on other sites as well that will be reacting to it. If nothing else, a good time to pickup UPS before winter storms. Probably filament discounts as well. Maybe even build plates. Filament dryers. The whole cadre of accoutrements. I’m even considering an electric smelter for 3D printed castings, but more importantly as a way to dry molecular sieves. If you have one, either post or PM me and let me know what brand and model you have as well as how well you like it. It’s on the frontier enabled by 3D printing, so it’s a part of the bright, inevitable future.
crazy. I went to the provided github link, downloaded, unzipped, dropped it in a usb stick, plugged into printer and then hit offline update. Every update after that is online.
I described loading the .15 release, as I had been running factory firmware prior to that. So, yes, according to @Barryg41 , that nightmare should now be behind us, starting forward from the .15 release but we won’t truly know for sure until the next drop, when we can try it out. I guess they had already polished things up for the Plus4, so you were spared. That’s progress for you!
True. Hopefully its online in the future. saves a few minutes. Thank goodness someone is pushing forward with bambu though. My perfect world would have 30 companies all competing closely at the top.
Edit: And the community embracing it.
And this is where real life and cultural paradigm ends. Chinese might find such approach acceptable and might even…enjoy it (in more sadistic and twisted ways than we could possibly imagine) being treated as ‘quality testing lab rats’ , and even accept to pay money for that…experience.
Westerners, though many might have enjoyed the (in)famous adventures of the Marquis de Sade, are not at all that twisted in their heads, and do expect (even demand) to have their products quality checked and officially vetted being conform and operating according to predetermined and well established international standards, prior to paying any money for them.
And I guess this is where both sides frustrations are coming from; Chinese expect Westerners to be willful paying ‘test lab rats’, while Westerns expect that the Chinese, for the money they pay, hand them over a complete, fully functional, quality proof and error free product… on top of which they expect a fast and professional after sales customer support.
Not much of a paradigm shift, isn’t it?