Status of E3D obxidian high flow nozzle for X1?

From what I’ve read, even though it is nominally a revo, it’s specific to Bambu Lab and not interchangeable with the other revo nozzles on the market. So, no 0.8 or 1.0 nozzles, at least not yet. Hopefully it will evolve to offer that as well.

Meanwhile, maximit seems to have cracked how to get 96w into a hotend on his Bambu Lab printer:

That would be a huge bump above both what we currently have (40w) and what even the Obxidian (60w) can do. Of course, as he points out, it’s not anything officially sanctioned, so there is that. On the other hand, it seems he has taken all the risks already and blazed a trail.

With either approach, though, it would seem you need to go through the effort of developing new print profiles to match their capability. If that’s the case, then the amount of extra work would be the same with either upgrade, which is why I would lean toward the 96w upgrade. If all the profiles were updated in reference to the Obxidian, then that might change my mind.

These are just my top-of-mind thoughts. What do you all think?

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