Still no PPA-CF profile?

Unless there is an update I missed, seems like all we have is the Generic PPA-CF profile still, no Bambu PPA-CF profile?

I also saw the PPA-CF went up 50% to $150 now, glad I got 2 spools I guess.

I haven’t tried printing it yet, and the Generic probably works fine, just wondering why Bambu didn’t/doesn’t have a profile available after they started selling it.

I see it…

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Bambu Studio has issued a configuration update that shows up in the corner of BS until you run it.


I see it now, thanks. I had checked off the PPA but did not actually select the PPA in the lower section. Funny in the profile they list it at $20/kg still…more like $200/kg!

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Minor detail, lol.

I looked over it twice before I finally saw it. I just happened to remember there was a config update recently.