Stringing and blobs when printing Bambu PETG transparent

We are well aware of Rygar’s post and most of us were unable to reproduce his results or even get close. However, thanks to the work done by @ExtremeElementz in October 2023, we nailed it through team work.

Do you want to know how do get this result below? First, ditch the Bambu filament. Second, follow this post.

I experimented with a number of clear PETG and PC. There was only one brand that measure up to optical clarity that Rygar posted. The secret sauce is to use this makerworld settings

And then use this filament.

You will get optimal clarity by post-processing the surface which I describe in that post. However, what you will only get with techniques described is a through-in-through optically clear interior that blows away what Rygar was trying to do.

Here’s an example of using a circular ironing on a cylinder primitive. No post-processing was done on this disk. While it is not perfect, It did achieve optical clarity which Rygar was attempting to do.