Stringing issues with BL PLA Aero

Hi all,

I printed two planes in BL PLA Aero on my X1C combo but I have the feeling that the printing quality decreases. I have more and more issues with stringing. Im using the Profiles provided by BL and the BL PLA Aero.

Parts that printed once without any stringing artifacts now always have a lot of them. Any idea what happend or what Im doing wrong?

Kind regards,


Could be wet filament.

I keep the filament in a drybox but thanks for the hint. I will try an extra dry session or two and hope the quality goes back to what is was before.

It will string a lot due to the foaming action of the filament. Do a search in this forum for printing planes. Somebody did a very good 3 post description on how to print it better.


Here: Printing With Lightweight PLA (LW-PLA) - Part 1: Filament Comparison

I’m running into the same issue with the PLA Aero… did you ever find a solution? Was it wet filament? Nozzle temp? Please let me know!