Ok I will try to write an understandable instruction:
In my example I print with PLA and want to use PETG as a release liner for the support. As I said it also works the other way around.
1) On the “Other” tab, in the “Flush Options” section, disable the “Flush to support objects” function.
2) Then click on “Flushing volumes” in the Filament section to change the flushing volume.
In the video it is set to 800, but I tested it at 300 and it works fine.
This is to safely separate the two types of filament and get a support layer that separates well.
3) Switch to the “Support” tab, where the rest of the settings are made.
In the “Support” section, set the support style to “Snug”.
In the “Filament for Supports” section, under “Support interface”, select the desired filament for support separation (for PLA prints PETG and for PETG prints PLA).
In the “Advanced” section, set the following: (this ensures that the support and the print object are printed through in one and that a smooth surface is created after removing the support).
→ Top Z distance = 0.0 mm
→ Bottom Z distance = 0.0 mm
→ Base pattern spacing = 2.0 mm
→ Top linterface layers = 3 (I only use 2 layers and thus save myself a filament change)
→ Bottom interface layers = 3 (if present)
→ Top interface pattern = Rectilinear
→ Bottom interface pattern= Rectilinear (if present)
→ Top interface spacing = 0.0 mm
→ Bottom interface spacing = 0.0 mm (if present)
→ Support/object xy distance= 0.5 mm
4) (Optional, to save time and material) In the “Other” tab, disable Prime Tower.
*I hope I wrote it understandable. My English is not very good, so I will use a translator. If there are mistakes in the translation please correct and apologize.