Too much Filament?

I’ve printed 3 “Planetary Gear Fidget Spinner” an my A1 mini (Photo) and they don’t move/rotate at all.
Which parameter do I have to change, to make it better?

Maybe nothing. Depending on the settings, sometimes they will spin fine other times you need a little force.
I’d try a little force, try wiggling each gear until you have some movement or hold the inside circle & try to force the outside circle to turn…JMO

Also, if you resized the model, sometimes that will cause issues.

I didn’t resize and all my strength doesn’t move anything :frowning:
it is like glued together or printed as ONE part.

Can you post a pic of the other side the plate down side…it sounds like it might have fused. If the gears are fused it might take a blade to get them going.
Also, was this on the PEI or Smooth plate…??

I printed on the PEI and the other side look quite ok

I would personally make sure my filament is dry and well calibrated first.

Nothing looks bad. I think you might just have to work it at bit.
Did you use your own settings or the settings in the profile…??
Post the link, I might give it a try on my Mini.