Warn the user about incorrect filament, nozzle, plate, etc

I’ve just spent hours trying to get a print to work only to finally realise I had selected PETG filament in Bambu Studio. The device knew it had PLA and even shows it on the Device page in Studio, but Studio let me happily send PETG gcode to the printer anyway.

A warning would spare many newbies from a bad experience. :blush:
And since the printer knows its plate and nozzle, maybe check those too.

Not the same thing but there are a few models on MakerWorld that are ways to keep track of types of filament in the AMS.

If you hit Print Plate it will give you a warning. If you just Send, it doesn’t.

It’s best to think of the Device tab as a separate program from the rest of Studio. It just shows the status of the printer without affecting the slicer. The benefit is that you can work on new project while an entirely different model is printing.