What do you find best suits your filament storage needs?

I remembered this image, and couldn’t find it, but I finally found it again:

Here’s the source: Best "GoTo" Filament - #15 by user_482380812

Not sure what those round containers are, but they look a lot like the printdry containers:

at about $12.50 each, or roughly 3x a cereal container. They do stack rather nicely though, and perhaps (?) they have a better seal. Not sure.

At some point I’m going to test various containers for moisture leakage. Extremely preliminary measurements on the cereal containers are: about 0.1g moisture intrusion per day. Not sure if that’s through the seal or the plastic itself. The plastic may seem improbable, but it has a much larger surface area, so I wouldn’t rule it out. I’ll probably try a stainless steel container with a silicon gasket and see how that compares. It would be a big win if a simple cookie tin could do the job, as those are super cheap. They seem to keep Danish sugar cookies dry, so why not filament? Maybe $1/each, or “free” with cookies. Worst case: seal it with non-China metal HVAC tape that meets a NIOSH standard for ductwork, and you’re probably guaranteed to come out ahead. Still… I’ll wait for the data, and then we’ll know for sure. :smiley:

One of my favorite quotes from “The Imitation Game”:

The Americans, the Russians, the French, the Germans, everyone thinks Enigma is unbreakable. Alan Turing : Good. Let me try and we 'll know for sure , won’t we?

I’m no Alan Turing, but… I like the idea that you don’t know until you devise an experiment to decide the matter definitively. I wish more people would do that. It would spread the workload considerably!

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