What Glue Stick do you use on the PEI TEXTURED PLATE?

Hi, I’m personally not used any glue stick on PEI plate and with PETG I never had any problem. But whatever the plate you’re using, if you want to add some glue stick do it on hot plate. This way it will be applied very informally. :slightly_smiling_face:

Yo mate,
Just going with the defaults in BLab’s slicer… :crazy_face:

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I’m still confused why anyone is using glue on these new engineered build plates. My many years of printing and experience have brought me to cleaning my plates good and then not touching them. They hate dirt and oil. Plus I always use a high bed temp of 55c on all my plates no matter what kind. PETG needs higher temperatures. Are you doing that? Rarely had any adhesion issues. Now with this Bambu technology, wow no issues at all. We are not better at knowing than the engineers who developed these plates. Please say no to glue. Good luck my friend.

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If necessary (rarely the case) I use BambuLab Liquid Glue Stick on the PEI plate. Works like a charm with very little residue. Liquid Glue for Build Plate ( PLA/ABS/PETG ) | Bambu Lab EU

My only advice to anyone using Glue, specifically for the cool plate, i come from a world of no glue, im old school however the Bambu team know what their stuff and i can confirm that when using SOME Tri Colour filaments and you dont use Glue the stuff will stick so hard you wont get it off… The glue just helps the release…as for Glue of PEI plate, ive done it once when i had an issue but thus far its been bulletproof with no Glue, just remember if your printing PLA you can turn off chamber fan and just leave door open and enjoy some mildly quieter times :slight_smile:

Thats what I use also about ever 10th print or so I wash it off and redo it, haven’t had a bed probem with this method. I usally spray and even coat on then put it in the printer and set bed temp to 50 and then wait until it is dry!

I don’t use any adhesive with the PEI Textured plate when printing PETG. I’ve not had any adhesion problems.

That’s why you use hairspray or glue stick to help release it when the plate cools.

PEI (polyetherimide, AKA Ultem) is fully chemically compatible with isopropyl alcohol, and will not be broken down by it in any way. One of the material’s primary selling points is its quite broad chemical resistance.

In terms of relatively common household solvents, it’s acetone you want to keep far away from it, as that will cause pretty much immediate damage to the surface.

I use Magigoo on every print with no issues on the PEI plate