X1C Vibration sound?


Recently my X1C has been making some odd noises when printing. This is the most extreme example in that it is the loudest and only makes it when the print head is moving at the maximum speed for this print. Is this the print head rubbing on the print? I would assume printing with different print heights would make a change in the sound, if not pitch then at least volume (but this isn’t the case).

This print is TPU at 0.2mm print height.


Any ideas?

Thanks in advance!

Why stick with max speed? And while printing
TPU… Have you tried decreasing the print speed gradually to see if the noise still persists or changes its tonality ?

Sorry for the confusion: the printer is not at the “max speed” of the printer, it is at the maximum speed of the given print. Pulling up that print it looks like it was running at ~40mm/s at the high end.

I did not try lowering the speed while I was still running TPU, but I do have PETG running right now and I dropped the print speed to “silent” mode while it was making the sound and the tone did drop about an octave in frequency and the volume is roughly half.

The sound is being made while the print head is moving at ~175mm/s for the PETG, so halving that in silent mode means it’s still making the sound at 87.5mm/s but at half the volume of the recording (roughly).

I just listened to the video. I don’t see anything wrong with it. The cylinder shape may not be highlighting what you are seeing. If I may suggest the following test shape. Set up a cube primitive and print it in vase mode. Make the cube primitive 100mm on edge. You shouldn’t need more than 10mm in height but the movement around corners should be enough to create movement that will jar anything lose. From what I see in your video, I hear a sound upon layer change but you only filmed one layer change so it’s impossible to determine.
