0.2 nozzle dragging on the textured bed

I just bought 0.2 nozzle for my A1, but whenever I print something the nozzle is practically dragging all of the first layer on the bed and extruder gears are skipping every few seconds. I made sure to level the bed and try to print on all completely default settings while making sure to select A1 with 0.2 nozzle (same outcome on 0.06 and 0.14 layer heights), but the effect is the same. Does anybody know what could be the reason for this?

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I don’t have your printer but this is couple of things you can change.

Option 1:

First layer height: Set to 1.2 or 1.4

Option 2:

Adjust the Z offset in the start G-code set it to this G29.1 Z{-0.00}

If you need more offset you have to change it to a plus valve like this G29.1 Z{+0.02}

This is what you will look for in the machine start G-code in the printer settings.

;===== for Textured PEI Plate , lower the nozzle as the nozzle was touching topmost of the texture when homing ==
{if curr_bed_type==“Textured PEI Plate”}
G29.1 Z{-0.02} ; for Textured PEI Plate

If link needed
A1 mini Bed Tramming

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After playing around with it and finally settling on 0.08 offset first layer looks again perfectly and without any gear skipping. Thanks a lot!


May you please share the exact G-code snippet for this part that you are ended up with?


Wouldn’t it be easier just to select smooth PEI plate in bambu studio even if you use the textured one? z-offset will then be 0 rather than -0.02, easier than modifying the gcode.

Not really sure which G-Code is corresponding to this, but here’s the setting that fixed it!


Thank you, I didn’t know that you were usign OrcaSlicer.

Will give a try as I’m struggiling with first layer issues on a Smooth Plate (https://www.reddit.com/r/BambuLab/comments/1cpcgii/a1_mini_first_layer_issues_with_smooth_pei_plate/) and I want to try to play around with the Z-offset

My a1 is dragging on the first layer so much it’s touching and forming blobs. How do I fix this???

I only see this on RARE occasions but then I just use a sheet of heavy paper on the bed for the levelling.
Once done I remove it and have a matching offset.

Where exactly in the G code do you put this?

Still works. Was never getting a good print with a 0.2 nozzle and the texture bed on the mini, solved it right up. Orca Slicer to the rescue!!!