1 plate, 2 objects, different layer heights, print by layer

Ok so this question is already asked on Reddit for other slicers, but the answers are old and not clear.

Say I have 2 objects on one plate, and for each I use the “adaptative layer” button, which gives them completely different layer heights from one another. Also, I do not use “print by object”, but keep the default “print by layer”.

Now, how could the printer possibly handle this situation, as the layers will never match one another between objects? Technically, i mean.
Will it be possible to print nicely anyway?
Does this situation affects the print quality or speed?

Thank you for the explanations you will be able to provide. I could not see anything about that on the documentation about layer heights.

Until recently I would have said ‘The short answer is no’.

This is because Bambu Studio (BS) warns you if you add more than one model on the same build-plate where they have different layer heights.

However, that does not seem to be the case anymore.

I added three different shapes onto the build plate, each with a different adaptive layer value. I then sliced the plate and was surprised when no warning notice appeared.

The preview shows minor differences in the layer heights of each shape as I slide the layer bar down to see the models being built.

Either they changed things and the problem, at least as I tested it no longer is a block or I did something very wrong.

I have the latest BS on macOS.

I’m guessing this isn’t a problem as long as the lowest z heigh is always printed first.

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I think they just print the layers ascending and only parts that contain lines at that layer get printed. Just as an example, lets assume two parts.
Part A has layers: 0.2 - 0.4 - 0.6 - 0.8
Part B has layers: 0.2 - 0.35 - 0.45 - 0.55 -0.60

Then it will print:
0.2 A+B
0.35 B
0.4 A
0.45 B
0.55 B
0.6 A+B
0.8 A

Within one layer, the layers of A and B will have different thickness, depending on the height of the last layer of that part.

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Thank you everyone for your answers and your time in testing.

I printed this night a plate full of objects (9) each with different layers height settings. That could be kind of a challenge for my poor P1S. Guess what? The slicer and the printers rock :slight_smile: Honestly, it is stunning.

There are some artefacts but I really don’t think it’s attributable to variable layer heights. Some objects are very small with odd parts.

And, indeed, the plate’s height changes when the head change object.

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