2025 Poll: How important is printer volume?

in lite of some of the newer printers being launched in 2025.

Poll Question: On a scale of 1-6, with 6 being the most important, how important is large print volume to you? Check only 1

  • 1- Not important at all
  • 2 - Slightly important
  • 3 - Moderately important
  • 4 - Important
  • 5 - Very important
  • 6 - Most important
0 voters
  • 180 x 180 x 180 mm – A1 Mini sized
  • 256 x 256 x 256 mm – A1, P1 and X1 Sized
  • 305 x 305 x 280 mm – Qidi Plus 4 sized
  • 350 x 350 x 350 mm – Creality K2 Plus sized
  • 420 x 420 x 480 mm – Elegoo Neptune sized
  • Bigger than 500 x 500 x 500 – As large as is physically possible
0 voters

Id be super interested to see how this poll would go if it went up before everybody saw the volume of the new printer. Compared to afterwards results.

I would love for the x1 carbon, in 1000x1000x1000 size. The downside is, when printing super large, fails could cost 50$ easily.
But I would rather have the extra space for those items that just don’t fit in the 256^3 size…


I’d suggest adding a question to the second poll to clarify what response you’re after.

Example questions:

  • What is your ideal size you’d like to see in your next printer?
  • What is the minimum size printer you’d buy?
  • What is the sweet spot for price/volume?

420 x 420 x 480 would be nice

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Size of Ivan’s or you aren’t even trying. How I want to make my next one.


Someone make a pellet one for our houses already. Jeez.


I think I may have an option to append another poll to this topic but let’s see what the announcement holds.

The rumors stated(see blurry photo) 340x320x325mm according to the leaked photo which would place it just slightly begin the Creality K2 Plus.

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Think bigger bro!!! The Ukrainians are. :laughing:


quit taking pictures of my basement dude :sweat_smile:

but honestly…if you are going to make a new 3d printer…why make it the same size as everyone else’s? I don’t get it. this release is a fail for me on their new manufacturing one due to build volume.

I have a CR10 v1 no less, modded to a 10s pre- “S” release - creality the ch*des used our mods in their original cr thread to make the 10S then sell it as a better version the #@$%#$% lol…

Anyways… the thing is a beast. A total workhorse for large prints so I’m not sure why I would want…a smaller bed than the one already have you know? But it prints faster with 2 nozzles!

Large tall prints can’t go fast due to the air draft issues most of the time…soo…speed i don’t care about, nozzle size on the CR is a drilled 1.65 making the fattest white lines you can imagine…so I am not printing large “detail” as they say more for manufacturing oh wait - like they want to do now.

So I guess this is more for the industrial market to wean them away from SLS or something. Just not my cup of tea.

Might be a bit cold out…seems a bit small :wink:

What would be a good idea is a hybrid between regular FDM and SLA. A print can start out normal, then resin can be used for a smooth strong finish.

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There was a guy that dipped or painted resin onto fdm and cured it but it was a gross process.

For that you want look up a brilliant product called > xtc-3d


// 4footbuildplateorgohome

You raise a good point. As I consider upgrading beyond the Bambu ecosystem, I realize that I wasn’t looking at the H2D or any other Bambu printer for the many reasons discussed in the authentication thread(s). In fact, I’d be more likely to sell my P1P while it still holds value.

Looking at features and prices, I noticed that one could buy two or three printers for the cost of an X1. The truth is, I have a greater need for the ability to print models and parallel printing than for increased volume or speed. I would desire larger width and depth but not necessarily more height. The tallest I ever printed was 250mm. A multiple printer setup would allow me to work in CAD on one iteration while starting a second print on another printer, rather than waiting for the first iteration to finish. In my use case, that flexibility is more important than larger print volume, higher speed, or multifilament capability, as I primarily produce engineered parts.

The qidi xmax 5
images (3)

@olias on the height. I have found 1 reason to extend my ratrig to 6.5ft tall. 1 piece dummy, mannequin, iron men copies etc. I have this crazy idea for shopping centers. They use generic mannequins but they also have paid models. Why not make the mannequins copies of the models. Real world size and shapes vs the generic ones. Once they finalize the ams to each head, could even do them in true color

That’s an interesting concept but the two printing methods are diametrically opposed and the materials are incompatible. How would that work? One prints upside down. Also, the physical properties are quite different. FDM printers produce much stronger parts while resin tends to be much weaker and brittle.

One concept reportedly under consideration is a laser etching/cutting hybrid. Imagine being able to print an object and then etch labels directly onto it. I’ve seen this process, and it produces stunning, professional-looking results.

The H2D is rumored to offer this as an option, but if you understand laser etching or even resin printing, you know that it’s no longer an office-friendly product. Proper ventilation would be required—comparable to what’s needed for a spray paint hood.

As appealing as such a device might be, it would likely cost over $4,000, with an additional investment in ventilation setup. This estimate is based on the current pricing of desktop laser etching and cutting tools, along with the added cost of a hybrid system.

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I’ll take one of everything above. please!
Where is that bitcoin wallet from decades ago…satasometh… :laughing:

Oh my… that qidi is wonderful! A closed ivan printer i’m in love mmmm. Bambu you watching? This is members drooling. go big or go home. THIS is what we want at the 2-3-4k price range. nevermind speed, just make it big and print beautiful where I can press a button and a T-Rex skull comes out to sell to a frickin museum.

and multi-printers are sweet Olias, hybrid stuff is coming even some weird sort of paper style 3d deposit printing (apparently sweet for tshirt printing) but again you notice? size of a kleenex box. Sigh…The reason I bought the CR10 was because it was the biggest of the time, for a dinosaur it keeps punching new printers in the chin eh?

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Oh dude!!! Really now. You can do better than that can’t you? Let’s start really thinking outside the box. How about flesh colored TPU65? thinks of the possibilities. :laughing:




Me~Looks for bulk dark tan tpu and P-diddies baby oil

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Yep, gotta keep that 3d printer lubricated. :laughing:



Okay, to venture back out of the gutter…

I realize I’m asking for a ton here, but the holy grail for me would be 500³, enclosed, heated and able to go to around 350C. That would make a printer a real powerhouse for things like custom automotive stuff. Doesn’t seem like we’re quite there yet in “prosumer” level machines, but in another 5 years?

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Depends on if the pro can build a kit printer or not. If we are talking prosumer and not enterprise user, id say they can or atleast should be able to. Everything becomes possible on the kit side. Wanna print 7 colors of peek without purge? Theoretically possible with a voron toolchanger and a few grand. Want 500mm? The only size limitation on a kit is how long of extrusions and how big of aluminum plates you can find. They make super long linear rails. Ratrig has 500mm kits. Their sister company will have prebuilt versions for industrial use soon.