3D Printed Hydrofoil

Hi. I wanted to share this project that I have been designing and building. This Hydrofoil was 3D printed in 6 parts. I used the BambuLabs X1 Carbon. It uses internal carbon fiber tubes for structure. It is not laminated. The design uses no fuselage or tail wing as the stabilzers are unified into the returns. This reduces hardware to the two mouting bolts to connect to the mast. It weighs 4.2 lbs including hardware.

This is my wife riding it for the first time:



Wow, this is such a great design!!! Can you share your STL Files?

Amazing, can you share the file? (Iā€™d even be happy to pay for it)

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This looks great. Is the Foil pumpable to move forward?

Would it be possible to aquire the file somehow?

Kind regards

Wow, cool design. Can you share STL files?


Is it possible to get stl?