Hey all, I’m on the hunt for my first 3d scanner and was wondering if you had any suggestions? I know how to 3D model things already, but I’m looking to speed up the modeling process.
I’d like it to be fairly accurate so I can scan smaller parts, without having to do a ton of modeling to fix it after. I’m just wondering what’s worked for y’all and what you wish you would have known/ done differently.
Have a look at the following 3D scanner.
Perhaps it might interest you, and although it doesn’t come very cheap (but then again, all good things don’t come cheap), it’s indeed very good.
Below I’m providing some details for your preliminary review. Personally, I’m very satisfied with the scanner and its results. Bonus feature: you don’t need a PC when using this scanner. Every bit of post-processing is executed internally, by the scanner itself. You export only the final result (or can choose to export the raw file and model it further).