3d Scanners - Revopoint Pop3 vs Range

I am considering the purchase of a Revopoint scanner. The Range is at the top of my list due to its larger scan ability. After reading about the recent Pop3, I wonder how far behind the Range might be in features. It appears as if the Pop model is receiving a lot of development resources while the Range, not so much.

I would appreciate any insight.


I use Mini a lot.
Fab tool.

I’ve never been able to really find a use for my original Revopoint POP. Never like the limitations and output it gives. Too much clean-up of the output needed. Not to mention the failure to read black without scanning spray, so clean up of the scanning spray too.

Mostly more hassle than they’ve been worth for me. That said, most people use the scans as a 3D fixture to model against and I’ve never tried to do that. It might be useful for that.

For what it’s worth, if you are willing to deal with the clean-up, the new units have a decent output for the price.

I just purchased a POP3. I find it more suitable for medium-sized objects. RANGE may be more suitable for scanning vehicle bodies. I also recorded an instructional video.
If you’re interested, you can visit our website👇3dexploring dot com

revopoint real is a perfect product maybe buy pop3 by 3dscanner007

Hi! I had a Range, and I’ve just bought a POP 3. Based on my experience, I think these 2 products is for different usage. If you want to scan the bigger object, such as the car or the sofa, you can chose Range; if you want to scan the object in middle size, you can chose POP 3. But in addition, if you’re not sure rhe size you will scan, I recommand the POP 3 to you, because it’s more accurate and more precise than Range. Hope my answer will help you! If you want know more about POP 3, you can check my recommandation in my blog. 3ddavis dot com

As far as I know, the main difference between the two is the usage scenario. POP3 is suitable for scanning medium objects, such as facial scanning. Range is more advantageous in scanning large objects, such as scanning a person or a car modification. But POP3 has higher accuracy and better detail processing than Range.You can click on the link to compare the parameters. I hope this helps you .Revopoint Handheld 3D Scanner Comparison

Since it was his only post and it was over a year ago I have a feeling he might not see this and that he might have already made his purchase… but welcome to the forum!

Ah well, worst things could have happened… like… whatever…


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