4 rolls of filament wasted. Underextruded every time

Looking for some help regarding an under extrusion issue Ive been having since I bought this printer. Had 350 hours on it since 8/24. Not used much as all it does is give me problems. I opened the first ticket that is still open as of 10/24 unresolved after 5 months.

  • Things I’ve tried as per bambu ticket -

    -Ran a flow rate test with the generic profile at .98, increased to 1.02-1.05

    • increased nozzle temperature from 220° to 230°
    • cold pulls on old nozzle
    • No snags from ptfe, or ams
    • Rolls spin freely in ams
    • Nozzle has been replaced after trying all of the above with no difference

At this point bambu lab said my problem is due to a too low flow ratio but ive increased it all the way up to 1.05 with no difference.

At this point they decided my extruder needed to be cleaned so I took apart the whole thing and since I have low hours it wasnt that.

  • They have suggested my filament needed to be dried but they are all dried at 50° for 6 hours before use anyways. Figure I try longer so I did 12 hours with no difference.
  • They told me to change the nozzle but at this point I already have done that.

After going back and forth they told me to do a 3rd nozzle change but im going to spend more money to get the same result.

Again they told me it could be a new nozzle or extruder gears needed to be replaced
-They sent me a new set of extruder gears

Took the whole assembly apart again to replace the gears that looked fine with the brand new set

Sent them my videos and pictures of the same thing happening.

After that they sent me a new TH board and a new extruder motor.

At this point I’ve dried filament, manual bed level, higher temperature, manual and lidar calibrations, changed orientation, tried a different brand of filament, changed a nozzle, changed the extruder gears, changed th board and changed extruder motor.

Does anyone have any input on how I can solve a simple underextruded top layer?

Hi @95Prints3D,

You can set the flow ratio for the top layer:

There are also other ways to improve the top layer, e.g. ironing.

Nevertheless, if the remaining print is of good quality, I doubt this will help in your case.
It would be good to see a test print with a single filament so one can try to guess the cause.


Red and blue looks ok, white is the problem?

Have you tried pushing the limits further? Like hotter, or higher flowrate? There is also a flow rate variable per filament as well as the one in the main parameters in case you need to adjust for a particular filament.

Tried ironing?