7 months into printing and started to have bed adhesion issue

ok after a few days of troubleshooting i finally found out the problem and a solution.

what i tried: full calibration from the printer; testing a few different build plates, soap wash and apply glue to the plate; put a bigger brim; slicing the file using different versions of bambu studio; testing different temperature settings.
with all of these, and nothing seems to work reliably.

after checking some of my print i notice defects and i realize that this situation happens after my extruder and nozzle were clogged a few times. i replaced with a new nozzle and the problem is all solved. and to add that my nozzle has a 1000 hour print time according to the printer.

what happened is probably the clogging nozzle causing the first layer to have the wrong flow rate. when the filament is not pushing out probably it is more likely to peel off or just get stuck to the nozzle when extruding.

just leaving my solution here in case it ever helps anybody in the future.