I have my p1s for 7 months and it has been reliable.
But recently I am starting to have more failed print due to bed adhesion, prints sliding off during mid print. These are the same print profile that I have been using for months.
And I did soap clean my textured PEI and smooth PEI sheet (I have 3 sheets and I tried all of them), I even apply my trustworthy layerneer glue and the print still come sliding off.
Does anyone has any idea what can be the reason?
Have you run the calibration routine since this issue started?
Maybe this it totally off, but I have discovered some oozing issues with the most recent firmware on one of my P1S. It leads to creating several blob while printing. So, one got stuck on the print, especially when doing bigger prints (= more cooling down time for the blob), and when the print head tried to put down another layer, it collided with the blob and kicked the whole print loose.
Sometimes I had a comparable issue when printing a grid infill as the print “scrubbed” over lines which lead to a weird sound.
Maybe you have a comparable issue with the print head colliding with the print, e.g., on blobs on the surface?
Bambu says build plates are a consumable. Have you tried a new one to see if printing got better? If you use Bambu filament, there’s maybe some funny business there too but for now…
to MalcTheOracle: yes I did do a full calibration not so long before that happens, perhaps the calibration was a bit off and I should do it one more time?
to untermieter: I do see that some people have trouble with newer firmware and including me. However I do not see any defect on the failed print except that it slide off. But I will try the same profile again using an older firmware just to see.
to MZip: I have 3 plates and this happens nearly on every plate that I tried, so I don’t think it is the issue here.
I would.
Have you tried a different filament? You have tried multiple plates, the filament is often a failure point that needs to be ruled out.
Do you mean sheet (removable attachment) or an entirely different plate? If a removable sheet, those should be disposed of when spent.
Can be done wrong. See if you have issues with a flat sheet test.
Moisture in filament
It is possible your filament has taken up some moisture, you should dry it out for a while.
Trying a different, ideally a new sealed one.
Thanks for all the insight.
So I just did a full calibration, clean my build plate again (3 plates are different, 1 is original from p1s, 1 is another texture PEI similar, the last one is a smooth PEI which I used the most), and I slice with an older bambu studio 1.8.x.
And unfortunately, it still slide off. The contact area of my print object is thin so I added a inner brim to it, and out of the 2 that I printed 1 still fly off mid-print.
below is the image of my print, I had printed hundreds of these and never need a brim before. And now even with a brim it still has a chance of failing.
Also I notice that I have these under extrude pattern on my other print before doing my new calibration. I will try to print the same STL again after the calibration.
ok after a few days of troubleshooting i finally found out the problem and a solution.
what i tried: full calibration from the printer; testing a few different build plates, soap wash and apply glue to the plate; put a bigger brim; slicing the file using different versions of bambu studio; testing different temperature settings.
with all of these, and nothing seems to work reliably.
after checking some of my print i notice defects and i realize that this situation happens after my extruder and nozzle were clogged a few times. i replaced with a new nozzle and the problem is all solved. and to add that my nozzle has a 1000 hour print time according to the printer.
what happened is probably the clogging nozzle causing the first layer to have the wrong flow rate. when the filament is not pushing out probably it is more likely to peel off or just get stuck to the nozzle when extruding.
just leaving my solution here in case it ever helps anybody in the future.
Since you’ve already cleaned the PEI sheets and tried using glue, it might be worth checking a few other things. Make sure your bed is still properly leveled and that there’s no warping or damage to the sheets. Sometimes, environmental factors like humidity can also affect adhesion. Additionally, you could try adjusting your first layer settings, like slightly lowering the print speed or increasing the bed temperature. If all else fails, a bit of blue painter’s tape or a different adhesive might help.
He solved the issue