A bad printing area?

I have been using my A1 extensively to support smaller items for larger projects on my X1C. But when printing multiple objects of the same kind one area on the back center of the plate consistently fails to lays down the filament on the support regardless of type of support. I know some will say faulty wet filament. BUT one out of six every time with fresh out of the drier filament? I think not.

Most likely that part of the plate has some oil or dirt on it. Try washing everything with dish soap, scrub with a nylon brush, then wipe dry with a clean cloth.

I’ve seen thermal camera images that seem to show cold spots on some heat beds. Along with a through clean with dish washing detergent and a dry with a clean paper towel, try manually setting the heat bed temperature to whatever the slicer says it will be using for the print and letting the bed heat soak for 10 minutes or so.

Hey, would be interesting to know what settings and filament you are using.
I would not say it’s wet filament, but it might be beneficial to run a calibration test with the Orca slicer since I can see quite some oozing on your prime tower.
Check if there are any bridge settings that you have changed in the settings.
Last idea would be to check the bed to see if it’s level or not.
I also don’t think it’s debris on the plate since the piece seams to be stuck on the plate. (If it isn’t, give it a quick rinse with soap and warm water)

I saw an article on the BBL wiki related to A1 print quality where it compare two plates with the same items in different positions - one plate failed the other didn’t. I can’t find the page again, though. Try letting BS arrange the items and see if that resolves the problems.

Common print quality problems and solutions | Bambu Lab Wiki jump to ’ The model itself has too many long jumping areas (discontinuous areas)’

The nozzle might be going across the plate rather than to the next item, causing problems.

doing a full recalibration and then flow dynamics could work. also if you have time-lapse on, that could be causing issues with that object since it would be the last in the print sequence.

On my A1 I tested how good the first layer was by printing a large square with 1 layer height. First one had a nasty problem area. For the second - I ran bed leveling and dynamic flow calibration - it turned out much better, but there is still a noticeable problem in the same place.
Before the third attempt, I washed the plate with soap and water and scrubbed it gently with a sponge (no IPA or other chemicals). There was a small piece of extruded filament on the printer’s hotplate right at the trouble spot. It was tiny - 2-3mm in length. After proper clean the third print was just perfect.



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This might be from heating air expanding inside the objects once they close up. The pressure can push the top layers upward a bit, this is where they get caught by the nozzle and ripped open again, probably repeatedly. Why this happens only with the top one I have no idea. Maybe some of the hot air escapes through the shingles like blobs on the other objects that’s why they’re not so affected.

Edit: Turned out this even has a name: “pillowing” Support Community (what can be tried: using a lower bed temperature, stronger support structures that that top layers can attach to, or use more top layers until the problem fixes itself)

I’ve yet to test my X1C on left rear corner with a digital thermometer as I have a similar issue and believe it is a temperature problem. Try measuring it on your setup.

This approach reminds me of the practical engineering approach that was taught to new engineers fresh out of school. I examined the heat bed and found a couple of black filaments that fell off the building plate from earlier prints. I graduated in 1973. Just goes to show sometimes even old experienced engineers need to go back to basics and do some forensic testing. I will let you know how the cleaning goes.