I have constant overload error with bambulab refill…
I guess they have a trouble in the manufacturing line.
Each time the filament is stuck on the side of the spool not tangle…
Do you have the same trouble or find a solution ?
I have constant overload error with bambulab refill…
I guess they have a trouble in the manufacturing line.
Each time the filament is stuck on the side of the spool not tangle…
Do you have the same trouble or find a solution ?
Are your sure that your reuseable spool is complete looked? If the filament stuck every time on the same side, maybe the spool is not fixed correctly.
I will check that thx for the idea !
Check the black rollers in the AMS, the ones that spin the spools. My AMS came with 3 rollers a bit out of whack, causing problems. I had to push them back in.
Look like it was that cause i have a small gap
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