first the first para and may be also the second, please check the machine code for the printer (copied here below), you can read and hopefully take some info from that. I must assume that the f´guiys from Bl do know why this, that and the other is happening whilst homing the printhead, move plate up/down, etc. It is for a reason, AFAIK
;===== machine: X1 =========================
;===== date: 202201117 =====================
;===== reset machine status =================
M17 Z0.4 ; lower the z-motor current
G0 Z12 F300 ; lower the hotbed , to prevent the nozzle is below the hotbed
G0 Z-6;
M17 X1.2 Y1.2 Z0.75 ; reset motor current to default
M960 S5 P1 ; turn on logo lamp
M220 S100 ;Reset Feedrate
M221 S100 ;Reset Flowrate
M73.2 R1.0 ;Reset left time magnitude
M1002 set_gcode_claim_speed_level : 5
M221 X0 Y0 Z0 ; turn off soft endstop to prevent protential logic problem
G29.1 Z0.0 ; clear z-trim value first
;===== heatbed preheat ====================
M1002 gcode_claim_action : 2
M140 S[bed_temperature_initial_layer_single] ;set bed temp
M190 S[bed_temperature_initial_layer_single] ;wait for bed temp
{if scan_first_layer}
;=========register first layer scan=====
M977 S1 P60
;=============turn on fans to prevent PLA jamming=================
{if filament_type[initial_tool]==“PLA”}
{if (bed_temperature[current_extruder] >45)||(bed_temperature_initial_layer[current_extruder] >45)}
M106 P3 S180
{elsif (bed_temperature[current_extruder] >50)||(bed_temperature_initial_layer[current_extruder] >50)}
M106 P3 S255
{endif};Prevent PLA from jamming
M106 P2 S100 ; turn on big fan ,to cool down toolhead
;===== prepare print temperature and material ==========
M104 S[nozzle_temperature_initial_layer] ;set extruder temp
G0 Z10 F1200
G28 X
M975 S1 ; turn on
G1 X60 F12000
G1 Y245
G1 Y265 F3000
M620 M
M620 S[initial_tool]A ; switch material if AMS exist
M109 S[nozzle_temperature_initial_layer]
G1 X120 F12000
G1 X20 Y50 F12000
G1 Y-3
G1 X54 F12000
G1 Y265
M621 S[initial_tool]A
M412 S1 ; ===turn on filament runout detection===
M109 S250 ;set nozzle to common flush temp
M106 P1 S0
G92 E0
G1 E50 F200
M104 S[nozzle_temperature_initial_layer]
G92 E0
G1 E50 F200
M106 P1 S255
G92 E0
G1 E5 F300
M109 S{nozzle_temperature_initial_layer[initial_extruder]-20} ; drop nozzle temp, make filament shink a bit
G92 E0
G1 E-0.5 F300
G1 X70 F9000
G1 X76 F15000
G1 X65 F15000
G1 X76 F15000
G1 X65 F15000; shake to put down garbage
G1 X80 F6000
G1 X95 F15000
G1 X80 F15000
G1 X165 F15000; wipe and shake
M106 P1 S0
;===== prepare print temperature and material end =====
;===== wipe nozzle ===============================
M1002 gcode_claim_action : 14
M975 S1
M106 S255
G1 X65 Y230 F18000
G1 Y264 F6000
M109 S{nozzle_temperature_initial_layer[initial_extruder]-20}
G1 X100 F18000 ; first wipe mouth
G0 X135 Y253 F20000 ; move to exposed steel surface edge
G28 Z P0 T300; home z with low precision,permit 300deg temperature
G29.2 S0 ; turn off ABL
G0 Z5 F20000
G1 X60 Y265
G92 E0
G1 E-0.5 F300 ; retrack more
G1 X100 F5000; second wipe mouth
G1 X70 F15000
G1 X100 F5000
G1 X70 F15000
G1 X100 F5000
G1 X70 F15000
G1 X100 F5000
G1 X70 F15000
G1 X90 F5000
G0 X128 Y261 Z-1.5 F20000 ; move to exposed steel surface and stop the nozzle
M104 S140 ; set temp down to heatbed acceptable
M106 S255 ; turn on fan (G28 has turn off fan)
M221 S; push soft endstop status
M221 Z0 ;turn off Z axis endstop
G0 Z0.5 F20000
G0 X125 Y259.5 Z-1.01
G0 X131 F211
G0 X124
G0 Z0.5 F20000
G0 X125 Y262.5
G0 Z-1.01
G0 X131 F211
G0 X124
G0 Z0.5 F20000
G0 X125 Y260.0
G0 Z-1.01
G0 X131 F211
G0 X124
G0 Z0.5 F20000
G0 X125 Y262.0
G0 Z-1.01
G0 X131 F211
G0 X124
G0 Z0.5 F20000
G0 X125 Y260.5
G0 Z-1.01
G0 X131 F211
G0 X124
G0 Z0.5 F20000
G0 X125 Y261.5
G0 Z-1.01
G0 X131 F211
G0 X124
G0 Z0.5 F20000
G0 X125 Y261.0
G0 Z-1.01
G0 X131 F211
G0 X124
G0 X128
G2 I0.5 J0 F300
G2 I0.5 J0 F300
G2 I0.5 J0 F300
G2 I0.5 J0 F300
M109 S140 ; wait nozzle temp down to heatbed acceptable
G2 I0.5 J0 F3000
G2 I0.5 J0 F3000
G2 I0.5 J0 F3000
G2 I0.5 J0 F3000
M221 R; pop softend status
G1 Z10 F1200
G1 Z10
G1 F30000
G1 X230 Y15
G29.2 S1 ; turn on ABL
;G28 ; home again after hard wipe mouth
M106 S0 ; turn off fan , too noisy
;===== wipe nozzle end ================================
;===== bed leveling ==================================
M1002 judge_flag g29_before_print_flag
M622 J1
M1002 gcode_claim_action : 1
G29 A X{first_layer_print_min[0]} Y{first_layer_print_min[1]} I{first_layer_print_size[0]} J{first_layer_print_size[1]}
M500 ; save cali data
;===== bed leveling end ================================
;===== home after wipe mouth============================
M1002 judge_flag g29_before_print_flag
M622 J0
M1002 gcode_claim_action : 13
;===== home after wipe mouth end =======================
M975 S1 ; turn on vibration supression
;===== check scanner clarity ===========================
M972 S5 P0
;===== check scanner clarity end =======================
;=============turn on fans to prevent PLA jamming=================
{if filament_type[initial_tool]==“PLA”}
{if (bed_temperature[current_extruder] >45)||(bed_temperature_initial_layer[current_extruder] >45)}
M106 P3 S180
{elsif (bed_temperature[current_extruder] >50)||(bed_temperature_initial_layer[current_extruder] >50)}
M106 P3 S255
{endif};Prevent PLA from jamming
M106 P2 S100 ; turn on big fan ,to cool down toolhead
M104 S{nozzle_temperature_initial_layer[initial_extruder]} ; set extrude temp earlier, to reduce wait time
;===== mech mode fast check============================
G1 X128 Y128 Z10 F20000
M400 P200
M970.3 Q1 A7 B30 C80 H15 K0
M974 Q1 S2 P0
G1 X128 Y128 Z10 F20000
M400 P200
M970.3 Q0 A7 B30 C90 Q0 H15 K0
M974 Q0 S2 P0
M975 S1
G1 F30000
G1 X230 Y15
G28 X ; re-home XY
;===== mech mode fast check============================
{if scan_first_layer}
;start heatbed scan====================================
M976 S2 P1
G1 X128 Y128 F20000
;===== noozle load line ===============================
M975 S1
G1 X18.0 Y1.0 Z0.8 F18000;Move to start position
M109 S{nozzle_temperature[initial_extruder]}
G1 Z0.2
G0 E2 F300
G0 X240 E15 F{outer_wall_volumetric_speed/(0.30.5) * 60}
G0 Y11 E0.700 F{outer_wall_volumetric_speed/(0.30.5)/ 4 * 60}
G0 X239.5
G0 E0.2
G0 Y1.5 E0.700
G0 X18 E15 F{outer_wall_volumetric_speed/(0.3*0.5) * 60}
;===== for Textured PEI Plate , lower the nozzle as the nozzle was touching topmost of the texture when homing ==
{if curr_bed_type==“Textured PEI Plate”}
G29.1 Z-0.04 ; for Textured PEI Plate
;===== draw extrinsic para cali paint =================
M1002 judge_flag extrude_cali_flag
M622 J1
M1002 gcode_claim_action : 8
G0 F3000 X28.000 Y19.500 Z0.200
G1 F1200.0 X28.000 Y45.000 Z0.200 E0.933
G1 F1200.0 X28.500 Y45.000 Z0.200 E0.018
G1 F1200.0 X28.500 Y19.500 Z0.200 E0.933
G1 F1200.0 X31.000 Y19.500 Z0.200 E0.091
G1 F1200.0 X31.000 Y49.000 Z0.200 E1.080
G1 F1200.0 X37.500 Y49.000 Z0.200 E0.238
G1 F1200.0 X37.500 Y60.000 Z0.200 E0.403
G1 F1200.0 X42.500 Y60.000 Z0.200 E0.183
G1 F1200.0 X42.500 Y49.000 Z0.200 E0.403
G1 F1200.0 X48.000 Y49.000 Z0.200 E0.201
G1 F1200.0 X48.000 Y20.000 Z0.200 E1.061
G1 F1200.0 X30.000 Y20.000 Z0.200 E0.659
G1 F1200.0 X30.000 Y41.000 Z0.200 E0.769
G1 F1200.0 X50.000 Y41.000 Z0.200 E0.732
G1 F1200.0 X50.000 Y34.000 Z0.200 E0.256
G1 F1200.0 X30.000 Y34.000 Z0.200 E0.732
G1 F1500.000 E-0.800
;=========== extruder cali extrusion ==================
{if default_acceleration > 0}
{if outer_wall_acceleration > 0}
M204 S[outer_wall_acceleration]
M204 S[default_acceleration]
G0 X35.000 Y18.000 Z0.300 F30000 E0
G1 F1500.000 E0.800
M106 S0 ; turn off fan
G0 X185.000 E9.35441 F{outer_wall_volumetric_speed/(0.3*0.5) * 60}
G0 X187 Z0
G1 F1500.000 E-0.800
G0 Z1
G0 X180 Z0.3 F18000
M900 L1000.0 M1.0
M900 K0.040
G0 X45.000 F30000
G0 Y20.000 F30000
G1 F1500.000 E0.800
G1 X65.000 E1.24726 F{outer_wall_volumetric_speed/(0.3*0.5)/ 4 * 60}
G1 X70.000 E0.31181 F{outer_wall_volumetric_speed/(0.3*0.5)/ 4 * 60}
G1 X75.000 E0.31181 F{outer_wall_volumetric_speed/(0.3*0.5) * 60}
G1 X80.000 E0.31181 F{outer_wall_volumetric_speed/(0.3*0.5)/ 4 * 60}
G1 X85.000 E0.31181 F{outer_wall_volumetric_speed/(0.3*0.5) * 60}
G1 X90.000 E0.31181 F{outer_wall_volumetric_speed/(0.3*0.5)/ 4 * 60}
G1 X95.000 E0.31181 F{outer_wall_volumetric_speed/(0.3*0.5) * 60}
G1 X100.000 E0.31181 F{outer_wall_volumetric_speed/(0.3*0.5)/ 4 * 60}
G1 X105.000 E0.31181 F{outer_wall_volumetric_speed/(0.3*0.5) * 60}
G1 X110.000 E0.31181 F{outer_wall_volumetric_speed/(0.3*0.5)/ 4 * 60}
G1 X115.000 E0.31181 F{outer_wall_volumetric_speed/(0.3*0.5) * 60}
G1 X120.000 E0.31181 F{outer_wall_volumetric_speed/(0.3*0.5)/ 4 * 60}
G1 X125.000 E0.31181 F{outer_wall_volumetric_speed/(0.3*0.5) * 60}
G1 X130.000 E0.31181 F{outer_wall_volumetric_speed/(0.3*0.5)/ 4 * 60}
G1 X135.000 E0.31181 F{outer_wall_volumetric_speed/(0.3*0.5) * 60}
G1 X140.000 E0.31181 F{outer_wall_volumetric_speed/(0.3*0.5)/ 4 * 60}
G1 X145.000 E0.31181 F{outer_wall_volumetric_speed/(0.3*0.5) * 60}
G1 X150.000 E0.31181 F{outer_wall_volumetric_speed/(0.3*0.5)/ 4 * 60}
G1 X155.000 E0.31181 F{outer_wall_volumetric_speed/(0.3*0.5) * 60}
G1 X160.000 E0.31181 F{outer_wall_volumetric_speed/(0.3*0.5)/ 4 * 60}
G1 X165.000 E0.31181 F{outer_wall_volumetric_speed/(0.3*0.5) * 60}
G1 X170.000 E0.31181 F{outer_wall_volumetric_speed/(0.3*0.5)/ 4 * 60}
G1 X175.000 E0.31181 F{outer_wall_volumetric_speed/(0.3*0.5) * 60}
G1 X180.000 E0.31181 F{outer_wall_volumetric_speed/(0.3*0.5) * 60}
G1 F1500.000 E-0.800
G1 X183 Z0.15 F30000
G1 X185
G1 Z1.0
G0 Y18.000 F30000 ; move y to clear pos
G1 Z0.3
G0 X45.000 F30000
M900 K0.020
G0 X45.000 F30000
G0 Y22.000 F30000
G1 F1500.000 E0.800
G1 X65.000 E1.24726 F{outer_wall_volumetric_speed/(0.3*0.5)/ 4 * 60}
G1 X70.000 E0.31181 F{outer_wall_volumetric_speed/(0.3*0.5)/ 4 * 60}
G1 X75.000 E0.31181 F{outer_wall_volumetric_speed/(0.3*0.5) * 60}
G1 X80.000 E0.31181 F{outer_wall_volumetric_speed/(0.3*0.5)/ 4 * 60}
G1 X85.000 E0.31181 F{outer_wall_volumetric_speed/(0.3*0.5) * 60}
G1 X90.000 E0.31181 F{outer_wall_volumetric_speed/(0.3*0.5)/ 4 * 60}
G1 X95.000 E0.31181 F{outer_wall_volumetric_speed/(0.3*0.5) * 60}
G1 X100.000 E0.31181 F{outer_wall_volumetric_speed/(0.3*0.5)/ 4 * 60}
G1 X105.000 E0.31181 F{outer_wall_volumetric_speed/(0.3*0.5) * 60}
G1 X110.000 E0.31181 F{outer_wall_volumetric_speed/(0.3*0.5)/ 4 * 60}
G1 X115.000 E0.31181 F{outer_wall_volumetric_speed/(0.3*0.5) * 60}
G1 X120.000 E0.31181 F{outer_wall_volumetric_speed/(0.3*0.5)/ 4 * 60}
G1 X125.000 E0.31181 F{outer_wall_volumetric_speed/(0.3*0.5) * 60}
G1 X130.000 E0.31181 F{outer_wall_volumetric_speed/(0.3*0.5)/ 4 * 60}
G1 X135.000 E0.31181 F{outer_wall_volumetric_speed/(0.3*0.5) * 60}
G1 X140.000 E0.31181 F{outer_wall_volumetric_speed/(0.3*0.5)/ 4 * 60}
G1 X145.000 E0.31181 F{outer_wall_volumetric_speed/(0.3*0.5) * 60}
G1 X150.000 E0.31181 F{outer_wall_volumetric_speed/(0.3*0.5)/ 4 * 60}
G1 X155.000 E0.31181 F{outer_wall_volumetric_speed/(0.3*0.5) * 60}
G1 X160.000 E0.31181 F{outer_wall_volumetric_speed/(0.3*0.5)/ 4 * 60}
G1 X165.000 E0.31181 F{outer_wall_volumetric_speed/(0.3*0.5) * 60}
G1 X170.000 E0.31181 F{outer_wall_volumetric_speed/(0.3*0.5)/ 4 * 60}
G1 X175.000 E0.31181 F{outer_wall_volumetric_speed/(0.3*0.5) * 60}
G1 X180.000 E0.31181 F{outer_wall_volumetric_speed/(0.3*0.5) * 60}
G1 F1500.000 E-0.800
G1 X183 Z0.15 F30000
G1 X185
G1 Z1.0
G0 Y18.000 F30000 ; move y to clear pos
G1 Z0.3
G0 X45.000 F30000
M900 K0.000
G0 X45.000 F30000
G0 Y24.000 F30000
G1 F1500.000 E0.800
G1 X65.000 E1.24726 F{outer_wall_volumetric_speed/(0.3*0.5)/ 4 * 60}
G1 X70.000 E0.31181 F{outer_wall_volumetric_speed/(0.3*0.5)/ 4 * 60}
G1 X75.000 E0.31181 F{outer_wall_volumetric_speed/(0.3*0.5) * 60}
G1 X80.000 E0.31181 F{outer_wall_volumetric_speed/(0.3*0.5)/ 4 * 60}
G1 X85.000 E0.31181 F{outer_wall_volumetric_speed/(0.3*0.5) * 60}
G1 X90.000 E0.31181 F{outer_wall_volumetric_speed/(0.3*0.5)/ 4 * 60}
G1 X95.000 E0.31181 F{outer_wall_volumetric_speed/(0.3*0.5) * 60}
G1 X100.000 E0.31181 F{outer_wall_volumetric_speed/(0.3*0.5)/ 4 * 60}
G1 X105.000 E0.31181 F{outer_wall_volumetric_speed/(0.3*0.5) * 60}
G1 X110.000 E0.31181 F{outer_wall_volumetric_speed/(0.3*0.5)/ 4 * 60}
G1 X115.000 E0.31181 F{outer_wall_volumetric_speed/(0.3*0.5) * 60}
G1 X120.000 E0.31181 F{outer_wall_volumetric_speed/(0.3*0.5)/ 4 * 60}
G1 X125.000 E0.31181 F{outer_wall_volumetric_speed/(0.3*0.5) * 60}
G1 X130.000 E0.31181 F{outer_wall_volumetric_speed/(0.3*0.5)/ 4 * 60}
G1 X135.000 E0.31181 F{outer_wall_volumetric_speed/(0.3*0.5) * 60}
G1 X140.000 E0.31181 F{outer_wall_volumetric_speed/(0.3*0.5)/ 4 * 60}
G1 X145.000 E0.31181 F{outer_wall_volumetric_speed/(0.3*0.5) * 60}
G1 X150.000 E0.31181 F{outer_wall_volumetric_speed/(0.3*0.5)/ 4 * 60}
G1 X155.000 E0.31181 F{outer_wall_volumetric_speed/(0.3*0.5) * 60}
G1 X160.000 E0.31181 F{outer_wall_volumetric_speed/(0.3*0.5)/ 4 * 60}
G1 X165.000 E0.31181 F{outer_wall_volumetric_speed/(0.3*0.5) * 60}
G1 X170.000 E0.31181 F{outer_wall_volumetric_speed/(0.3*0.5)/ 4 * 60}
G1 X175.000 E0.31181 F{outer_wall_volumetric_speed/(0.3*0.5) * 60}
G1 X180.000 E0.31181 F{outer_wall_volumetric_speed/(0.3*0.5) * 60}
G1 F1500.000 E-0.800
G1 X183 Z0.15 F30000
G1 X185
G1 Z1.0
G0 Y18.000 F30000 ; move y to clear pos
G1 Z0.3
G0 X45.000 F30000 ; move to start point
M623 ; end of “draw extrinsic para cali paint”
M104 S140
;=========== laser and rgb calibration ===========
M18 E
M500 R
M973 S3 P14
G1 X120 Y1.0 Z0.3 F18000.0;Move to first extrude line pos
G1 X143.0 Y1.0 Z0.3 F18000.0;Move to first extrude line pos
M400 P100
M960 S1 P1
M400 P100
M973 S6 P0; use auto exposure for horizontal laser by xcam
M960 S0 P0
G1 X240.0 Y6.0 Z0.3 F18000.0;Move to vertical extrude line pos
M960 S2 P1
M400 P100
M973 S6 P1; use auto exposure for vertical laser by xcam
M960 S0 P0
;=========== handeye calibration ======================
M1002 judge_flag extrude_cali_flag
M622 J1
M973 S3 P1 ; camera start stream
M400 P500
M973 S1
G0 F6000 X40.000 Y54.500 Z0.000
M960 S0 P1
M973 S1
M400 P800
M971 S6 P0
M973 S2 P16000
M400 P500
G0 Z0.000 F12000
M960 S0 P0
M960 S1 P1
G0 Y37.50
M400 P200
M971 S5 P1
M960 S0 P0
M960 S2 P1
G0 Y54.50
M400 P200
M971 S5 P3
G0 Z0.500 F12000
M960 S0 P0
M960 S1 P1
G0 Y37.50
M400 P200
M971 S5 P2
M960 S0 P0
M960 S2 P1
G0 Y54.50
M400 P500
M971 S5 P4
M963 S1
M400 P1500
G0 F6000 X40.000 Y54.500 Z0.000
M960 S0 P1
M973 S1
M400 P800
M971 S6 P0
M973 S2 P16000
M400 P500
G0 Z0.000 F12000
M960 S0 P0
M960 S1 P1
G0 Y37.50
M400 P200
M971 S5 P1
M960 S0 P0
M960 S2 P1
G0 Y54.50
M400 P200
M971 S5 P3
G0 Z0.500 F12000
M960 S0 P0
M960 S1 P1
G0 Y37.50
M400 P200
M971 S5 P2
M960 S0 P0
M960 S2 P1
G0 Y54.50
M400 P500
M971 S5 P4
M963 S1
M400 P1500
G1 Z3 F3000
M500 ; save cali data
M104 S{nozzle_temperature[initial_extruder]} ; rise nozzle temp now ,to reduce temp waiting time.
M400 P400
M960 S0 P0
G0 F30000.000 Y22.000 X65.000 Z0.000
M400 P400
M960 S1 P1
M400 P50
M969 S1 N3 A2000
G0 F360.000 X181.000 Z0.000
M980.3 A70.000 B{outer_wall_volumetric_speed/(1.75*1.75/4*3.14)*60/4} C5.000 D{outer_wall_volumetric_speed/(1.75*1.75/4*3.14)*60} E5.000 F175.000 H1.000 I0.000 J0.020 K0.040
M400 P100
G0 F20000
G0 Z1 ; rise nozzle up
T1000 ; change to nozzle space
G0 X45.000 Y16.000 F30000 ; move to test line pos
M969 S0 ; turn off scanning
M960 S0 P0
G1 Z2 F20000
G0 X45.000 Y16.000 F30000 E0
M109 S{nozzle_temperature[initial_extruder]}
G0 Z0.3
G1 F1500.000 E3.600
G1 X65.000 E1.24726 F{outer_wall_volumetric_speed/(0.3*0.5)/ 4 * 60}
G1 X70.000 E0.31181 F{outer_wall_volumetric_speed/(0.3*0.5)/ 4 * 60}
G1 X75.000 E0.31181 F{outer_wall_volumetric_speed/(0.3*0.5) * 60}
G1 X80.000 E0.31181 F{outer_wall_volumetric_speed/(0.3*0.5)/ 4 * 60}
G1 X85.000 E0.31181 F{outer_wall_volumetric_speed/(0.3*0.5) * 60}
G1 X90.000 E0.31181 F{outer_wall_volumetric_speed/(0.3*0.5)/ 4 * 60}
G1 X95.000 E0.31181 F{outer_wall_volumetric_speed/(0.3*0.5) * 60}
G1 X100.000 E0.31181 F{outer_wall_volumetric_speed/(0.3*0.5)/ 4 * 60}
G1 X105.000 E0.31181 F{outer_wall_volumetric_speed/(0.3*0.5) * 60}
G1 X110.000 E0.31181 F{outer_wall_volumetric_speed/(0.3*0.5)/ 4 * 60}
G1 X115.000 E0.31181 F{outer_wall_volumetric_speed/(0.3*0.5) * 60}
G1 X120.000 E0.31181 F{outer_wall_volumetric_speed/(0.3*0.5)/ 4 * 60}
G1 X125.000 E0.31181 F{outer_wall_volumetric_speed/(0.3*0.5) * 60}
G1 X130.000 E0.31181 F{outer_wall_volumetric_speed/(0.3*0.5)/ 4 * 60}
G1 X135.000 E0.31181 F{outer_wall_volumetric_speed/(0.3*0.5) * 60}
; see if extrude cali success, if not ,use default value
M1002 judge_last_extrude_cali_success
M622 J0
M900 K0.02 M{outer_wall_volumetric_speed/(1.75*1.75/4*3.14)*0.02}
G1 X140.000 E0.31181 F{outer_wall_volumetric_speed/(0.3*0.5)/ 4 * 60}
G1 X145.000 E0.31181 F{outer_wall_volumetric_speed/(0.3*0.5) * 60}
G1 X150.000 E0.31181 F{outer_wall_volumetric_speed/(0.3*0.5)/ 4 * 60}
G1 X155.000 E0.31181 F{outer_wall_volumetric_speed/(0.3*0.5) * 60}
G1 X160.000 E0.31181 F{outer_wall_volumetric_speed/(0.3*0.5)/ 4 * 60}
G1 X165.000 E0.31181 F{outer_wall_volumetric_speed/(0.3*0.5) * 60}
G1 X170.000 E0.31181 F{outer_wall_volumetric_speed/(0.3*0.5)/ 4 * 60}
G1 X175.000 E0.31181 F{outer_wall_volumetric_speed/(0.3*0.5) * 60}
G1 X180.000 E0.31181 F{outer_wall_volumetric_speed/(0.3*0.5)/ 4 * 60}
G1 X185.000 E0.31181 F{outer_wall_volumetric_speed/(0.3*0.5) * 60}
G1 X190.000 E0.31181 F{outer_wall_volumetric_speed/(0.3*0.5)/ 4 * 60}
G1 X195.000 E0.31181 F{outer_wall_volumetric_speed/(0.3*0.5) * 60}
G1 X200.000 E0.31181 F{outer_wall_volumetric_speed/(0.3*0.5)/ 4 * 60}
G1 X205.000 E0.31181 F{outer_wall_volumetric_speed/(0.3*0.5) * 60}
G1 X210.000 E0.31181 F{outer_wall_volumetric_speed/(0.3*0.5)/ 4 * 60}
G1 X215.000 E0.31181 F{outer_wall_volumetric_speed/(0.3*0.5) * 60}
G1 X220.000 E0.31181 F{outer_wall_volumetric_speed/(0.3*0.5)/ 4 * 60}
G1 X225.000 E0.31181 F{outer_wall_volumetric_speed/(0.3*0.5) * 60}
M973 S4
;========turn off light and wait extrude temperature =============
M1002 gcode_claim_action : 0
M973 S4 ; turn off scanner
M400 ; wait all motion done before implement the emprical L parameters
;M900 L500.0 ; Empirical parameters
M109 S[nozzle_temperature_initial_layer]
M960 S1 P0 ; turn off laser
M960 S2 P0 ; turn off laser
M106 S0 ; turn off fan
M106 P2 S0 ; turn off big fan
M106 P3 S0 ; turn off chamber fan
M975 S1 ; turn on mech mode supression
G1 X128.0 Y253.0 Z0.2 F6000.0;Move to start position
M109 S{nozzle_temperature_initial_layer[initial_extruder]}
G0 X253 E6.4 F{outer_wall_volumetric_speed/(0.3*0.6) * 60}
G0 Y128 E6.4
G0 X252.5
G0 Y252.5 E6.4
G0 X128 E6.4
“At one point, I saw a message pop up saying that the bed was not leveling correctly, that there might be a bump somewhere. I wanted to stop the print, but there was no option to stop. I had to pull power to the printer to get out of that one. Frustrating.”
- You can stop when you press the button top/right on the printer (the red one)
" If the X1 monitored the drive current for the X, Y, and Z motors (like Prusa has done for years) then it would be possible to just let people move the extruder and bed around without homing, since it could do no damage. It would be much quicker."
No. one wrong touch somewhere and the nozzle might dig into the bed. Again, homing the whole thing is done for a reason.
“For example, every time I put an SD card in the X1, when I return it to the PC, Windows “has to” fix problems with the SD. It does not take much time, but it is unnecessarily annoying. I would use the WiFi facility, but it only works about half the time. It is more reliable to use the SD card.”
There are many different scenarios concerning the WIFI network and peoples homes. Normally it does work well, there are cases where BL suggests to register the printer completely new.