A1 - AMS lite G-code

Hi, I would like to ask anyone for help with figuring out the ams lite part in the A1 g-code,
I’m working on a TPU 95A profile, it works, but has one problem, the AMS lite doesn’t push the filament far enough and I would like to try to change that, so that the AMS lite would be able to print with TPU

Here is the G-code for a filament change:

;===== machine: A1 =========================
;===== date: 20240830 =======================
M1007 S0 ; turn off mass estimation
G392 S0
M620 S[next_extruder]A
M204 S9000
{if toolchange_count > 1}
G2 Z{max_layer_z + 0.4} I0.86 J0.86 P1 F10000 ; spiral lift a little from second lift
G1 Z{max_layer_z + 3.0} F1200

M106 P1 S0
M106 P2 S0
{if old_filament_temp > 142 && next_extruder < 255}
M104 S[old_filament_temp]

G1 X267 F18000
M620.1 E F[old_filament_e_feedrate] T{nozzle_temperature_range_high[previous_extruder]}
M620.10 A0 F[old_filament_e_feedrate]
M620.1 E F[new_filament_e_feedrate] T{nozzle_temperature_range_high[next_extruder]}
M620.10 A1 F[new_filament_e_feedrate] L[flush_length] H[nozzle_diameter] T[nozzle_temperature_range_high]

G1 Y128 F9000

{if next_extruder < 255}

G92 E0
M628 S0

{if flush_length_1 > 1}
; always use highest temperature to flush
M1002 set_filament_type:UNKNOWN
M109 S[nozzle_temperature_range_high]
M106 P1 S60
{if flush_length_1 > 23.7}
G1 E23.7 F{old_filament_e_feedrate} ; do not need pulsatile flushing for start part
G1 E{(flush_length_1 - 23.7) * 0.02} F50
G1 E{(flush_length_1 - 23.7) * 0.23} F{old_filament_e_feedrate}
G1 E{(flush_length_1 - 23.7) * 0.02} F50
G1 E{(flush_length_1 - 23.7) * 0.23} F{new_filament_e_feedrate}
G1 E{(flush_length_1 - 23.7) * 0.02} F50
G1 E{(flush_length_1 - 23.7) * 0.23} F{new_filament_e_feedrate}
G1 E{(flush_length_1 - 23.7) * 0.02} F50
G1 E{(flush_length_1 - 23.7) * 0.23} F{new_filament_e_feedrate}
G1 E{flush_length_1} F{old_filament_e_feedrate}
G1 E-[old_retract_length_toolchange] F1800
G1 E[old_retract_length_toolchange] F300
M1002 set_filament_type:{filament_type[next_extruder]}

{if flush_length_1 > 45 && flush_length_2 > 1}
M106 P1 S178
M400 S3
G1 X-38.2 F18000
G1 X-48.2 F3000
G1 X-38.2 F18000
G1 X-48.2 F3000
G1 X-38.2 F18000
G1 X-48.2 F3000
M106 P1 S0

{if flush_length_2 > 1}
M106 P1 S60
G1 E{flush_length_2 * 0.18} F{new_filament_e_feedrate}
G1 E{flush_length_2 * 0.02} F50
G1 E{flush_length_2 * 0.18} F{new_filament_e_feedrate}
G1 E{flush_length_2 * 0.02} F50
G1 E{flush_length_2 * 0.18} F{new_filament_e_feedrate}
G1 E{flush_length_2 * 0.02} F50
G1 E{flush_length_2 * 0.18} F{new_filament_e_feedrate}
G1 E{flush_length_2 * 0.02} F50
G1 E{flush_length_2 * 0.18} F{new_filament_e_feedrate}
G1 E{flush_length_2 * 0.02} F50
G1 E-[new_retract_length_toolchange] F1800
G1 E[new_retract_length_toolchange] F300

{if flush_length_2 > 45 && flush_length_3 > 1}
M106 P1 S178
M400 S3
G1 X-38.2 F18000
G1 X-48.2 F3000
G1 X-38.2 F18000
G1 X-48.2 F3000
G1 X-38.2 F18000
G1 X-48.2 F3000
M106 P1 S0

{if flush_length_3 > 1}
M106 P1 S60
G1 E{flush_length_3 * 0.18} F{new_filament_e_feedrate}
G1 E{flush_length_3 * 0.02} F50
G1 E{flush_length_3 * 0.18} F{new_filament_e_feedrate}
G1 E{flush_length_3 * 0.02} F50
G1 E{flush_length_3 * 0.18} F{new_filament_e_feedrate}
G1 E{flush_length_3 * 0.02} F50
G1 E{flush_length_3 * 0.18} F{new_filament_e_feedrate}
G1 E{flush_length_3 * 0.02} F50
G1 E{flush_length_3 * 0.18} F{new_filament_e_feedrate}
G1 E{flush_length_3 * 0.02} F50
G1 E-[new_retract_length_toolchange] F1800
G1 E[new_retract_length_toolchange] F300

{if flush_length_3 > 45 && flush_length_4 > 1}
M106 P1 S178
M400 S3
G1 X-38.2 F18000
G1 X-48.2 F3000
G1 X-38.2 F18000
G1 X-48.2 F3000
G1 X-38.2 F18000
G1 X-48.2 F3000
M106 P1 S0

{if flush_length_4 > 1}
M106 P1 S60
G1 E{flush_length_4 * 0.18} F{new_filament_e_feedrate}
G1 E{flush_length_4 * 0.02} F50
G1 E{flush_length_4 * 0.18} F{new_filament_e_feedrate}
G1 E{flush_length_4 * 0.02} F50
G1 E{flush_length_4 * 0.18} F{new_filament_e_feedrate}
G1 E{flush_length_4 * 0.02} F50
G1 E{flush_length_4 * 0.18} F{new_filament_e_feedrate}
G1 E{flush_length_4 * 0.02} F50
G1 E{flush_length_4 * 0.18} F{new_filament_e_feedrate}
G1 E{flush_length_4 * 0.02} F50


M106 P1 S60
M109 S[new_filament_temp]
G1 E6 F{new_filament_e_feedrate} ;Compensate for filament spillage during waiting temperature
G92 E0
G1 E-[new_retract_length_toolchange] F1800
M106 P1 S178
M400 S3
G1 X-38.2 F18000
G1 X-48.2 F3000
G1 X-38.2 F18000
G1 X-48.2 F3000
G1 X-38.2 F18000
G1 X-48.2 F3000
G1 X-38.2 F18000
G1 X-48.2 F3000
G1 Z{max_layer_z + 3.0} F3000
M106 P1 S0
{if layer_z <= (initial_layer_print_height + 0.001)}
M204 S[initial_layer_acceleration]
M204 S[default_acceleration]
G1 X[x_after_toolchange] Y[y_after_toolchange] Z[z_after_toolchange] F12000

M622.1 S0
M9833 F{outer_wall_volumetric_speed/2.4} A0.3 ; cali dynamic extrusion compensation
M1002 judge_flag filament_need_cali_flag
M622 J1
G92 E0
G1 E-[new_retract_length_toolchange] F1800

M106 P1 S178
M400 S4
G1 X-38.2 F18000
G1 X-48.2 F3000
G1 X-38.2 F18000 ;wipe and shake
G1 X-48.2 F3000
G1 X-38.2 F12000 ;wipe and shake
G1 X-48.2 F3000
M106 P1 S0


M621 S[next_extruder]A
G392 S0

M1007 S1