A1: First layer separation


It seems like my first layer has issues with under-extrusion/lines having gaps and not adhering correctly.

I have tried the following:

  • Increasing the flow rate as per calibration (The calibration doesn’t seem the best, I will post the results below. If I could get some assistance on recalibration, that would be amazing!)
  • Cleaning the textured plate with warm water and soap as well as 99.8% IPA.
  • Flipping the plate over
  • Trying a different 0.4 Nozzle (Had a hardened steel one)
  • Print settings were printed with Flow Rate Compensation enabled

What I haven’t tried

  • Bed Tramming
  • A Cold Pull

The Filament was ESUN PLA SF In standard black. All settings default as per Bambu PLA except for flow rate which was calibrated using bambu studio calibration.

Attached below are the images of the best calibration I could find as well as the first layer print results:

Before calibration:

After calibration

Calibration was using finger nail and selecting smoothest inside area as all outside areas were rough

First Layer Test:

I have looked at the other posts and tried what they suggested but to no avail, I normally saw the nozzle too close to the bed but this seems like it’s too far.

I have a similar issue…tried everything you listed and more, including tramming and making sure everything mechanical is in order., but no fix yet.
Bambu us not even responding to my ticket for weeks, I don’t really know what to do anymore.

I am really depends on good first layers for my designs, rendering the printer almost useless for my intended use.

I will be doing more testing when I get home from work, if I come to a resolution will definitely inform you!

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I suggest also checking if your bed is flat, this was the results when checking mine it has a gap.

I tried to change the z-offset as well, and while initially promising, this still occurs.

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Mine was bent like that (at several places, almost twisted), and Bambu is replacing it, might be similar for you

Looks like I in the same boat, I have a few sections where it bends as well and it seems to be in the same location of the “seperation”

I tried the following: Bed Tramming, Hot end tightening, Cold Pull, Checked the extruder gears, watched the entire print to ensure the extruder didn’t skip, and I checked it and whilst mine doesn’t look as bad as yours, it lines up. Did the exact same thing after flipping the textured plate, exact same location. It has to be the bed at this point.

I have opened a ticket and let’s hope they reply. The only thing I haven’t tried is adjusting the Z-Offset and that’s because that’s a bandaid fix to an issue.

Yup, Bambu is sending me a new bed.
Mine seemed almost twisted, there was no real rhyme or reason to where it had dips.

I had to mention the word chargeback to the live chat person before they even looked at my ticket (its been 2.5 weeks of troubleshooting this)

I also tried the z-offset, lowering it by .002, and it performs better, but as you said, its a band-aid, but it will at least tide me over until the new bed gets here.
Still a bit salty about having to tinker this much with a brand new bambu.

I have spent over half a decade tinkering on other machines, and I just wanted a tool this time.

This is my first printer, so I was really confused when it happened…

Mine looks like it’s bent where the magnets were, there’s dips before every magnet, Top left also has a dip across the 45 degree angle. It’s the only thing I can think of, I improved the print quality by increasing the flow rate so that’s helped a lot even if my edges are overextruded on the first layer now.

The original photo in my first post was bottom right, was the top left as per this photo.

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I would not bother with upping the flow rate, that creates other issues.

As a temp fix it was much more efficient to just lower the z-offset by 0.002 or thereabouts.

It is a band aid, but it’s at least its workable for a while.

I also have a 45°dip in addition to dips at some other places, so I guess it something to do with manufacturing and it’s a bad batch.

Sucks to get it on your first printer :neutral_face:

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Yeah looks like we got the same batch. I got my printer three weeks ago, so it kind of aligns in the time frame.

It happens though, I’ll reduce the flow rate back and modify the z-offset

Hopefully support gets back to me at some point. Ill gladly change the heat bed if it comes to that

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Yeah, I got mine about a month ish ago myself. Its a good printer, just marred by that one issue. (They probably had to get so many bed out due to the recall earlier this year that it affected QC)

Luckily I have more than enough technical competent to do the assembly myself, I do feel for the ones that dont feel they can.

Thought I’d report back, new bed fixed my issue

Did not for me sadly.

So I will see what Bambu says.

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