A1 Gcode meaning M9833.2 - less poop

Hi, what is M9833.2 in start g code?
I downloaded profiles for less purge and in this modded profiles “M9833.2” is not existing (04.01.2024 date) but in original start code there it is. Is it important? Should i copy this?


This is unfortunately the drawback of a closed ecosystem. Bambu uses many custom G-codes that the community doesn’t know exactly what they do, we only know the result of what it does.
I apologize I’m not providing an answer here however I’ve come to the realization that if I want to tinker with my printer a Bambu is not the one to get. I came from a Prusa MK3 and was tinkering with it all the time whether I wanted to or not. I’ll take the closed ecosystem as I just want to print.
For me the time savings aren’t worth the investigation as you’re saving seconds, and while they do add up they don’t matter that much to me. My recommendation would be to spend your time on tinkering with models than the printer.

Hey so what happens in the code that omits it? Does it appear to work the same? Also, what code did you use? I’m working on making my own, more optimized, start code for my A1 and am trying to find as many examples as I can to see what works and what doesn’t, but surprisingly, there aren’t many for the big A1. Its always X1, P1, or A1M.