A1 Hot bed not heating

Hello Bambulab community,

I hope you can assist me with a problem I’ve encountered with my A1. My heat bed is not heating up properly or only reaching a temperature of 21 degrees Celsius. I’ve conducted some tests and found that the NTC sensor has a resistance of 147 ohms. Additionally, I measured a resistance of 47 ohms at the heat bed power supply connector.

Has anyone else experienced similar issues with the A1 heat bed, or could you provide guidance on troubleshooting? I’ve already checked the connections and ensured everything is properly connected, but the problem persists.

I would greatly appreciate your support and any advice on how to resolve this issue with the heat bed. Perhaps someone has successfully tackled a similar situation and can share their experiences.

Thank you in advance for your assistance!

I have the same problem and the same measurement came out in the resistance.

Have you solved it?