A1 Improvements I'd like to see

OK, #1 is very simple, and maybe a little silly, but…
I think it would be an awesome idea for the Aluminum parts of the heat bed to be anodized red, so it’s more obvious you’ve forgotten to put the build plate back. Did that once…

#2, And more serious, BL, please switch to a dual-gear extruder! I’m tired of feed failures caused by added resistance in the AMS tubing, that would be solved by using what is now pretty much the standard for extruders. Honestly, I’d pay for the upgrade option on this one. I had intended on getting another A1 or A1 mini soon to alleviate workflow issues, but after dealing with repeated feed failures, I won’t buy another printer that does not have dual-gear extrusion. And yes, the P1 and X1 have it, but the difference in cost does not justify it since I don’t need the rest of what they provide.


#1 seems like a good idea.

As for #2, I don’t have AMS. The troubles don’t seem worth it, though it looks really cool.

are you sure you want a dual extruder?

youtube video - OQmUwVkrw

the video it’s not available

sorry, correct link is here:


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