A1 Mini AMS Slots show BVOH

This site wont let me ask my own question not sure why. But can anyone help me all but 1 ams slot for the a1 mini say BVOH it didnt used to say that until all there updates. Ive searched and dont know how to remove it. I didnt tell it i was printing with anything but pla

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Copied from the direct message I sent you before the post was moved to its own post.

You didn’t provide much information, I will try my best to help.

I assume you mean one or more filaments display as BVOH rather than PLA.

Use the Filaments open on the touch screen, select one of the filament spools that show BVOH then press the EDIT button.

  • Select the Filament type (top right of the display)
  • Scroll down the list to find PLA, select that
  • Return back
  • Press the OK button

Repeat for any other filaments that have the incorrect filament displayed.

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It was changed maybe a month ago…they’re in Alphabetical Order now.
You have to click on Filament/Edit/ then click the arrow & scroll down 3 screen to see PLA.

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Yeah it difnt let me add a photo. Idk why it changed after updating software and firmware but took me a week trying to figure out what was going on they would all bevon pla then change

Have you changed the filament types on the printer as I suggested?

You can ALSO do this in the DEVICE tab of Bambu Studio, and edit the filament type there.

Device tab > Select the edit option under one of the filaments.
Screenshot 2024-07-08 at 19.51.00

Select the filament type drop-down.
Screenshot 2024-07-08 at 19.51.08

Select from the list.


I did thank you. Im not sure why it changed it was always on pla

In my opinion, this started two or three firmware updates ago.

The printer resets the filament type when it thinks you changed the filament.

It is annoying and needs to stop.

For the past couple of months until the most recent update, the filament types appeared randomly in the list when it thought you changed it.

I sent in a ticket when I first noticed it.
I told them that it should remember the type I used last & not default to BVOH.
They did reply, waiting to see if it changes in the next update.

It was pitched as a smarter solution and all it did was annoy people as it only managed to forget what you had and then make it harder to get back to where you were.


Two different firmware updates since and still not fixed!

Has it always been like this? I could have sworn I just put the filament in and go…but now I have to select a type on the printer all the time…kind of annoying.

It has been like this for a couple of months.

If you told the printer the filament colour is different, it screws up the filament type.