A1 / mini doesn't have a dual gear extruder!

in bambu lab website its says dual gear extruder but it not

p1p dose have dual gear extruder

how can modify it to dual gear extruder

the meaning of dual gear extruder , both extruder can move without a filament

[A1 extruder]

[A1 extruder gear]

[P1P dual gear extruder]

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I can`t see any dual at all.

If we talk about dual we are talking about 4 driven wheels. Everything else can by called marketing for home users only. Or simpli sade, I do not see a dual by the P1P, the X1C or any other 3D printer at all… and this driven wheel on the A1, we are may back to the Year of 1948; to the urgan of the first driving wheels and all the headach which we solve during the last 75 Years :wink: There are may a few aluminum wires that are softer than TPU…

Where does it say dual gear extruder? I am thinking about getting an A1 mini and have never seen it advertised as having that feature. Would love it though!


that is a dual drive


Currently there is only a trend that the individual drive wheels of the competition are actually getting larger (not to Bambulab printers). Larger gears mean less torque on the teeth and longer service life as less intervention on individual teeth per total revolution on the life cycle. And by the way, this trend was also the first impruvemnt after the year of 1948…

Maybe I’m wrong, but: Currently there are only single drives on direct exdruders. The A1 would have to be called a single drive on a single drive

No they call this Dual Gears :wink: and not a Dual drive… dual drives are 4 driven gears :wink: And if they call this dual gear, I’m curious how a single gear drive would look like in there point of view… :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

And on the other hand, if even Bambulab would calls it so, do not mean it`s right… Than you need to show up with other more trustworthy resources on the Internet for technical descriptions than the Bambula sales side :wink:

my goal is design a gear for a1 so both gears can move together , same as x1…

Yes - I`m also not mad at you - peace to the person but hard on the topic :innocent: Everthing what you sade is ok for the discussion… :v: Peace, joy and pancakes won’t get the printers into any further :wink:

I know that the Bambulab is focusing at the beginner stage. I just give inputs becouse competitors are also reading here and we will also bring the advanced printers to the next level for all of us. So your comments and mine are important :wink:

um i have and idea ! :smiley: i wil buy the P1 series guears and try to upgrade the A1 extruder :smiley: lol Chalange acepted !


its done :smiley: lets ways 10 days :smiley:


So you ordered a replacement extruder and it is not a dual-gear like the website says? That stinks. I would absolutely demand a refund.

I thought you meant the website said that new A1 printers came with a dual-gear extruder. My bad. Carry on.

Really hope that works, and if it does, we should demand bambu lab to send us a fix.
It is not okay to advertise dual gear sand then only have one driven gear and a support wheel. It is false advertisement.

Now with that said, i haven’t had any issues, but I’m sure that we could get a higher flow out the nozzle is it was properly mad as dual gear.

So they should fix it for existing customers so we actually get dual gear extrusion, and then either change the extruder setup or change the text.

Single gear is what the A1 has, it’s a single toothed gear with an idler that pinches the filament against the teeth. A dual gear extruder has two toothed gears that pinch the filament in between, and the gears are both being driven. this doubles the number of teeth gripping filament. In the welding wire feeds you mentioned, dual drive is typically a setup that has two separate inline sets of a drive gear and an idler, or two sets of “dual gears” in line. I have never seen a dual drive setup on a 3d printer, but dual gear setups are very common, and that is what is in the direct drive of the X1 family of printers.

The primary reason many companies are going to larger diameter gears is that more teeth are gripping the filament at once, so more force can be applied to the filament without “stripping out” on the filament. Its the same thing dual gear extruders are doing, but with even more surface area than two small gears can provide.

I have both here, it will not work. the tensioning system on the A1 is in a different location, and the whole assembly is smaller. If you don’t have a P1 or X1, you should cancel your order.

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Exactly, and if they call it dual gear how a single gear should look like… If they call this dual gear is pure marketing for home users…


Exactly - and in a few year they will also find out that the waer of the Driven gear on the driven thoth flank and the non driven toth flank on the non driven gear goes down as well and as the lifespan is improving as well since the torque and the number of contacts between the tooth flanks per meter of wire feeded also decrease… Just like they found out 70 years ago when they enlarged it to have more contact surface…

I don’t contradict a single statement of you, don’t see a single deviation to my statment just that I went into more detail in the explanations and in 100 years someone will find this out again. So everthing fine.

sorry for this add. And way the dual drive was comming, because the wire loses its geometry in the pull and there just comes a point where it’s no longer possible to have two driven gears. So by the dual Drive, the first two gears pulls - then comes the relaxed zone in between and the second two gears pushes the stuff in… Same case, different story: that you should feed the TPU with as little tension as possible, otherwise it will change the geometry for Loses the exdruder, the first ones have already figured it out.

If someone saves 50 cents, they are usually not doing it because of the 50 cents. They’ve already thought of something about it… But don’t ask me why. Maybe weight savings or something - not my business :wink: But I know one thing: with the modification you will probably lose a lot of time and just to win a small piece of cake…

LOL Good job. Hey, you should make a video of this! Gimme a link if you do, I’d like to see it

As some one who literally grew up on a factory owned by my parents, mass producing cables of all sorts, i can tell you that if you can save 50 cents by reducing the number of screws in a product, or even just using shorter screws, slightly thinner cable that just barely keep within spec and so on, they will do it because in mass production it all adds up.

I don’t mind the single gear extruder, and unless there is an official fix to match their advertised dual gear extruder, i won’t bother as it’s working perfectly fine on my machine.

But I cannot get behind advertising one thing and giving the customer something else, it is false advertisement and it is illegal, plain and simple. Hence they need to compensate existing customers one way or another and fix the description of the product.