A1 mini hangs at 2% on printing a file

Hi all, I hope one of you can set me straight on some things.

I’m attempting to send my first self-sliced model from Bambu studio, and my A1 mini hangs at 2% every time I start the print.

It finishes preheating the bed, the XY mech mode sweep, and toolhead cleaning. Both the bed and nozzle then heat to the specifications I have in my print file.

After this, the printer will not go any further.
The screen shows the progress bar with 2%, and the message on the bottom of the screen for whatever is supposed to come next, be that toolhead homing, flow calibration or bed leveling.

My only guess for the cause of this is a mismatched filament setting between the file and the preset that i set on the device screen or printer touchscreen.

The problem with this is that I haven’t seen that custom filament profile in the device tab or in the bambu handy app or on the printer itself. It only lists the preset filaments.

What am I missing???

Sorry, that was long but this is a weird problem.

Thanks in advance to anyone who can help!


I forgot to mention that the printer is totally unresponsive after this. I can cancel the print, but the temperatures do not return to 0, and no movement or homing commands do anything.

Do factory reset printer.

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I have tried that twice, it does not change anything.

Hi @TerboSpaghetti
Sorry to hear that you have these issues. I can remember I encountered this issue with one of the first Bambu Studio versions that supported the A1 mini, but that has been fixed for a while now. Could you share what version of Bambu Studio you are using?

Regarding the custom filaments, thats been a bit tricky for a while, but has been mostly fixed on the X1 Series. I’m sure the custom filament sync will come to the A1 and P1 Series ferry soon. For now, you’ll have to select the Generic filament profile on the A1, just pick the right filament type. You will have to pick the right filament type in Bambu Studio’s prepare tab. You can add and manage your custom filaments when clicking on the setting icon on the right of the filament section.

Any luck fixing the problem? My A1 just started doing that to me today. Tried factory reset and it will freeze up during that process as well

Have you tried using a different SD card? A failing card can cause hangs. Be sure to format the SD card to FAT32.

I havent tried that yet. Only had the printer for a month. Its been a workhorse up until today. I did a factory reset. Started a print from sd card it pretty much got to the point of putting down a purge line and froze. I hit pause on the screen then start and its running the print. Maybe the sd card took a dump?