I’ve had my A1 Mini for a few weeks, and PLA and TPU, I’ve managed fine. Now, I’ve almost got my PETG to work as well, but there are some issues. After much trial and error, I rather ask here…
My filament is:
Brand: Clas Ohlson
Type: PETG (1,75 mm)
Series: Universal
Recommended temperature between 220-245 degrees Celcius
I’ve dried the filament in Sunlu Filadryer S2 twice for 6 hours each time at 50 degrees (default settings). It was getting way better after first dry, no change after the second.
Okey, my problem is:
- Stringing - not very bad after drying, but some stringing occur
- Bridging generally good, but some lines are just broken (see temp towers for “loose threads”).
- Filament sticking to nozzle (not very bad, but a bit, and it ends up on side surfaces of models - easy to remove, but still, artefacts…)
- Hard to print signs with small text or details (not too small, slicing ok), because if it starts with the lettering, the smallest one just gets dragged around, while bigger ones are better (maybe change the print order…)
I have been printing temperature towers for PETG, just to troubleshoot, and have landed on 255 degrees Celcius as the general best for my filament (based on those temp towers). I have also calibrated the flow dynamics, and use that result (0.045 K) during print instead of the auto flow calibration before each print.
Here are some pictures:
Above pictures shows my latest temperature tower print. I’ve just cut down to 260 and 255 degrees Celcius part to save on print time.
Retraction settings are Bambu slicer defaults for 0.4 mm nozzle, except for disabling of z-hop this time:
Retraction length: 0,8 mm
Z-hop: 0 (only changed parameter)
Retraction speed: 30 mm/s
Stringing is probably ok to many, but I wish it were nothing to clean up, like on my PLA prints. Not easy to spot on pictures, maybe, except for the stringiness before printing the model. (The model was removed from the textured PEI plate before I took the picture, but I left the “stringing-tale” attached to the model to show it).
Bridges at 260 not good enough, but 255 okey - except for that broken “tail”. It also occurs at all lower temperatures (have tested it, gets worse and worse for 250 and 245 etc). I have been watching during print, and the start of the bridges (defined as line type overhang wall in Bambu Slicer - blue) are printing perfect. It’s when it starts to fill in-between those (bridge in Bambu Slicer - light blue) that “tail” / “cut” of filament is occurring.
From Bambu Studio:
There’s also a small sagging line at the 255 degrees Celcius bridge - this has just started to happen - this temperature normally shows nice bridge except for that “tail”.
Here are pictures of earlier temperature tower with retraction set to 1.5 mm and z-hop at 0,8 mm:
Note the “lines” along the 35 degree overhang…
Pictures of first temp towers ever from PETG - before drying - of course very bad:
When trying to print the Bambu Cube (or V2 of it), it ends up like this:
Could have looked better…
Here’s how the first layers gets:
This type of stringing / dragging the filament around is very annoying, especially when trying to make round or shaped signs with text elements when faced down against the textured PEI plate to get rid of the print lines.
I wash the textured PEI plate with water and dish soap before prints. I have also tried to use alcohol stuff, and it works good - models really stick to it. However, that first thin line of the very start at first layer almost never start where the nozzle meet the bed for the start point. But then it’s nice.
I hope for some advice about what to try here…
PS! Is the A1 mini worse at PETG than P1S? I am planning to upgrade to P1S, but couldn’t wait to get started, so I try the A1 mini for a few months. Got the impression it should be okey.