A1 one side only poor z offset

I’ve been having an issue with my first layer where one specific area on the right side of the bed appears to have an area where the nozzle is too close to the bed causing the print to smoosh into the brim, rest of the print looks fine. This doesn’t appear to cause issues through the rest of the print, the brim being a pain to remove is the main issue.

I have so far tried the following:
A) I have made sure there is no debris under the plate
B) Tried different plates
C) Both with and without bed leveling

I’m not sure whether this is an issue with the bed mesh or a z gantry issue. It appears to be localised right side and in the middle as opposed to the entire right side of the plate so was thinking less likely to be an unlevel gantry though I haven’t dealt with this before. The gantry looks to be level, bed also looks visually flat and is flat with a steel ruler against it.

Any insight would be much appreciated!