Ability to disable timelapse feature after print start

Would like the ability to stop performing the timelapse movement after a print has begun, ending the timelapse essentially. This would be alternative to ending the entire print job.

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OK. I might understand turning on time-lapse after print start, I’ve often forgotten to check the box and it is off by default. But what would be the advantage to turning it off mid-print? It costs nothing to leave on.

No worries! I think the advantage would only be in time savings/unneeded movements.

Oh… OK. Now that makes sense. Thanks for the clarification.

I think what you really wanted to express was that you want more so the ability to change this field in mid-print from “Smooth” back to “Traditional” so that the head stops “parking” upon each layer change.

That makes sense. Yes, there were many a that where I had Smooth turned on and had to endure the continuous head park upon layer change and thought “Gee… wouldn’t that be nice if I could change that setting in the middle of the print”. That can be a real hassle especially when I come into a multi-hour print to discover my mistake. A feature like this would shure be handy.


I would add to this wish – if they ever decided to grant it – that while their tweaking that code, also include the opposite choice-change in mid-print.

I don’t think it’s a practical idea to initiate “traditional” ==> “smooth” as a simple code change because that would likely require a change to the AVI recording. On the other hand enable/disable altogether would solve this to a degree. We would have multiple AVI files for the same print, but that would easily be remedied with an open source utility like FFMPEG to stitch the AVI’s together.


it costs time. time is money

Really? Time is money?

Please show me the use-case where one would record a video for profit? This feature is primarily for entertainment purposes and if time were always money, how much time do we waste reading dumb forum posts like this one on the Internet for fun. :wink: Or watching a sporting event or a movie. Is that time=money equation make sense? Have you seen some of the recent streaming offerings? Talk about time wasted… :cold_face:

The point is, some of us do this for practical reasons, some of us for fun and some in between fun and work… and there of course are some who still don’t know why we do this :rofl: