Ability to set Default [Printer] upon load screen

Hey everyone!

  • Posting here in the appropriate page versus where I originally posted.
    I’ve noticed when you start adding multiple printers to your account that by default the last machine added will load by default.

[Feature Request]

  • I think it would genuinely appreciated to have the ability to select a printer and set said printer as [default] so you don’t physically have to drop down menu to select every time if you’re watching a certain machine mostly.

  • Alongside this could be a [Group] addition that would allow users to bundle and set machine groups (beneficial to print farms) so you could load up a specific [#] of machines (ex. P1P 1-4), X1C 1-4)

Definitely would be “Handy” …

Studio retains the last selected printer, plate, filament preset and process preset. So the last printer selected is the one loaded by default on the next Studio launch.

My X1C with 0.4 and 0,6 nozzles was added months ago, but I added a P1S yesterday just to investigate standard settings.

Studio started up today with the P1S loaded. I changed it back to X1C w/0,4 nozzle, closed Studio. Relaunched Studio and the X1C w/0.4 was loaded.

I thought I had this topic made as a product request for Bambu handy app. I know studios does last selected printer.

Does`nt it already do this when you login ? via the qr code ?

No, it doesn’t. Studio is constantly flipping printers on me. And I only have two.

I broke it down to the slicer defaults to the last printer sliced on. If that’s not happening for you then it’s a bug because it’s that way for me in orca slicer and Bambu studios so far :man_shrugging:t2:

Sorry, you did pick the Handy subcategory. I was just browsing Software in general and did not notice.

I don’t have to actually slice, or even load a model. Studio and Orca open with whatever printer is selected in Prepare when they were last closed.

Nope, I can load, slice and print a file on one printer, and the next time I open BS, it may keep the last one or jump to the other printer. No consistency. This may also depend on the mix of BL printer models, as I have two different models (A1 and P1S).

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Guess I did this in OrcaSlicer… I get confused because I have to upload profiles via BS and I use OS as my main slicer… very annoying sometimes