About the Share your prints category

We love seeing models printed on Bambu Lab printers, so don’t be shy and share your prints with us!
When sharing a print, we recommend using this template, to make it useful for other users that are looking to print the same model successfully:

Pictures with the printed model
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Print time

Bridges & bicycles ( Penny Farthing String Art) by 3dprintbunny
I love here designs, very useful to learn and understand some aspects of the slicer you use.

Printed on the X1CC, normal speed
Used various materials (PLA,PLA+), brands and colors.

Printed at 0.3mm layer height, if you are using Bambuslicer turn off ‘wipe while retracting’ in your printer settings.

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Behold !!!

14 hours 54 min
Eryone clear PLA
Settings are custom but .16 layer hight 15% grid infill, 3 walls, .45 line width and my speeds adjusted
Hybrid tree supports

If interested I can share my quality settings for PLA which aren’t the fastest but I wasn’t really going for speed obviously by the time it took
Mostly it’s my speed settings that give me nice results along with above settings I’ve described

Infill was a bit high but gave me nice results

Overall I’m extremely happy with the final results

I have a Lithophane Design that is colored in a less expensive way. They have a very good look and feel to them.

There is also a printed box or frame that is 139mm X 194.5 mm.