Acceleration settings

Hi experts
when i am using a standard profile like HQ BBL 0.12 and only try to change all the acceleration settings in many steps all the way down to lets say 10 mm/s and leave the profile as it is .
I see only the speed changing in the beginning of the print .I think its the first layers only that the acceleration change has effect on .after that first layer everything speeds up again to the basic setting of the profile .
should this not have effect on the whole print ?

It should be for the entire print. You are probably noticing the default first layer velocity (speed) settings which is slower than all the rest. These are entirely different than acceleration.

Set all defaults including acceleration, note the total time to print the model. Now lower the acceleration way down. It will take longer to print, possibly much longer. Any lower than hundreds on the acceleration is likely overkill and just slowing down your change in velocity (acceleration).

Edit: just to be clear, acceleration is the change in velocity, you can set whatever you want for acceleration it will in no way whatsoever change actual velocity, it will change the speed at which the velocity changes…

HI and thank you for the reply.
I understand your story … but there is a but …
if I change down the acceleration so much that it should never reach the speed setting how is it that it still does so … ?
When I perform this same trick in Cura
( yes i have a simple machine profile for Cura and the A1 )
It really does change the print speed a lot … I set 100ms acc… and 2ms yerk in Cura on a 60 ms speed profile … and the printer works at ease and makes perfect prints . in a very silent way .allthough its very slow … but that is what i aim for , the highest quality and not the highest speed .The objects I am printing are high resolution scanned people ! so that maens curved lines with lots of detail and often much tree support .
I can not get Bambustudio and Orca to get these acceleration and yerk settings to change the high speed printing to easy going by changing acc and yerk … offcourse when I change the speed settings itself it does so … but that is changing all the seperate items like inner wall outer wall infill ect ect … one by one … Orca and Bambustudio do not have a multiplier factor build in that changes all at once by setting a basic speed like Cura does…same rule for the acc and yerk settings.
Anyway …I am running 6 machines … Zortrax with Z suite and Cura on 1 Wanhou Dup 6 ,2 Ultimaker3,s and 2 customized Tenlogs hands …and besides those ,at the moment also working with Orca and Bambustudio
(and offcourse trying Cura ) on my latest purchase a Bambu A1.
Thank you for sharing and advicing I really appreciate this … excuse my english but i am from the Netherland and English is my second Language …
Greetings and have a nice day . Marc


The settings in Cura are not the same as in Bambu Slicer, for example. If you want to change the speed of Bambu Slicer, for example to print objects very slowly, you do not do this via the acceleration values.

Set the acceleration values in Bambu Slicer from 5000 or 3000 mm/s² further down to, say, 1000. I’m not sure how prone the A1 printers are to oscillation. I don’t own one. But this could be a good value. If you notice increased stringing (i.e. filament threads being pulled) after the change, you will need to increase the acceleration again slightly.

You can reduce the speed for the walls when printing. Under “Other Layers Speed”. First use one value for all settings (mm/s), for example 35mm/s. You will have to change some values there, this is not a problem, set them all to the same value once.

Try it out first and see what happens!

Best regards!

allright thanks for the reply … indeed this is a fact … I was just wondering if i set accelation ridiculesly low . why it does not effect on the print speed because the velocity of 60 mm/s can never be reached with accelation of 5 mm/s over a distance like 5 mm but it seems to print very rapidly in dispite … in Cura this effect is quite noticble with the same setting in speed and acc…such low acc and yerk setting really slow down the print. why not in BBL or Orca
I really would like to hear a explaination on this matter …
kind regards Marc

What use is it if you never reach the full printing speed over a distance of an object circumference? The printer then accelerates over the entire distance. I set the acceleration so that the printer prints cleanly / does not oscillate too much, but the print speed is reached after as short a time as possible. If it then prints too quickly, I adjust the print speed.

I have adjusted the acceleration values for my CR-20 in Cura once, also on the printer itself, so that it is not slowed down. To achieve a similar printing behaviour to the Bambulab printers. It worked, I didn’t realise that my printer could work so fast. But it may print a little less cleanly, in any case it oscillates more. It is only important that it does not lose steps due to excessive acceleration or that the positioning accuracy suffers as a result.

I’ve never been interested in exactly how this is calculated in Cura or anywhere else. Because I don’t need to know. Maybe someone knows. Or ask KI :wink:

Ok … AI says:


Slicers such as BBL or Orca often use advanced algorithms for motion planning. These can optimise the acceleration and deceleration of the print head so that the print speed remains as constant as possible, even if the set acceleration is low.
The default values for acceleration and jerk can vary from slicer to slicer. This can lead to the same settings producing different results in different slicers.

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Hi thanks … well I see youre point and I agree… during my tinkering adventures I just notices this fenomena … 2 slicers same settings and the effect that the acc setting on the behaviour on the same printer does not make sense to me … just wondering why … no I do not set my speed though altering acc and yerk settings … offcourse I do this in the speed settings … it just came up and i was sort of staggered … still want to know why …sorry …greetings and thanks for the thinking along …

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I’ve noticed this problem too.
I had a tall build and wanted the bed movement to be smooth and jerk free. So I lowered the acceleration to a very low value and kept the speed settings.

On the first layer the movement was silky smooth, but that was it. The rest of the build was high acceleration as usual.

That makes you wonder, does it matter what one set the acceleration too? it seems to be ignored anyway, except for the first layer.

Thanks for the responce … actually I am momentarely still looking into the matter en some other critical bambu machine and software related issues .
I have bought a Bambu A1 to see if the hype around it has enough foundation or is it all based focussed on the speed … wich is indeed very high. but how good are the results with that high speeds . momentarely bringing down volume flow down to ca 2 instead of 12 gives me the best results but brings the time factor on the same level as my ultimakers 3 ,my zortrax ,wanhao and 2 Tenlogs.
Speedy prints alway has been a no go for me …I need detail for I scan in Hi resolution and print human body and face and therefore the detail level must be held up as much as possible and also the surface must not have any patterns, ghosting ,ringing or belt rippling . The belt ripling for example was very noticeble on especialy smooth and shiny filaments (always PLA). tensioning up my X and Y belts way more tight then BBL advices in there discryption. I use an other way and that seems to work perfectly and my print are now nearly perfectly smooth on the surface . line on 0.06 or 0.08 are nearly invisable at 200 degrees C … and I am printing at standaard HQ speeds with only the filament set on a volume speed limit around 1.5mm-2 mm instead of 12 .not touching Yerk and Accelaration settings anymore . because they dont seem to have any effect as you too have noticed .Everthing drops to easy going printing in one go when I set the volumic speed restriction down to ca 2 mm/s …I make no other changes what so ever. funny thing but even the fan speed seems to adjust with it … sofar so good … ( but I still love my ultimakers and others ) It is more like a challenge for me to get the BBL at that same quality . as I said time is no issue for me … greetings Marc .

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Hello Gimbal and others . I am still working on my A1 getting it to print as flawles as my other printers ( ultimaker3) and even Tenlog hands and wanhau dup6 and zortrax. The problem remain in the fact that there is always a pattern on the surface ( vfa ) my other printers are free from this as long as i use low accelation and speed settings … wich are very low … when i use Bambu studio i still cannot adjust acceleration simply because it just does not have any effect… even when I bring all acceleration setting to ( example) set all to 500 which i use on my um3 ( cura) … It just does not have any effect … not on any setting i make… the only setting i can change to bring down speed all at once is to bring down the max vol speed setting at the filament … 12 to 4 for example …this helps a bit but acceleration setting just is not working and i think this can effect VFA very much as i found in my ather printers with CURA. Also in Orca the acceleration have no effect on my A1…
BUT !!! if I bring an Ender 3 printer profile ( wich i use for my Tenlog Hands) in Orca and slice it with different acceleration setting it does effect the speed correctly !!

It seems my A1 is not responding to this changes in accelerations !

did you or anybody else find any solution ??