Acid-free activated charcoal - Canada

Looking for activated charcoal for a Bento-box filter. Can anyone tell me if they’ve found any in Canada? There’s a lot of Activated carbon on Amazon but they do not say “acid free” and the ones from the US are $20 or so but shipping is $35 more.

Having the same issue locating material. Were you able to source any material in Canada?

I was able to get some from Sparta3D

FWIW, the Aquapapa on has been passed the fan in box on hotplate test. The screws I threw in haven’t changed.

That’s great to know. Would you post the link, please?

These were the bags. I’ve only tested 1 out of 4

I did grab a Sparta bag too, which I’ve yet to test, but the Aquapapa pricing is cheap enough that I’m contemplating making the reusable chamber exhaust cartridges now too.

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Any update to your testing - still working fine? Just ordered the 4lb aquapapa ones from amazon.

I’ve bought through They have confirmed acid free carbon.

@partferret Any update on the testing ?
@Qjo which one did you tried ?

@ZapZap I’ve used both variations they offer as “3D printing carbon” and they both work great.

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thanks so much
the granular or the pellet is what you mean by variation…
the granular is not too fine ?

going to try the Polyp Lab High performance steam activated from reefsupplies as well

Yes that’s what I meant, sorry I couldn’t remember the exact words lol.

The granular is definitely smaller but isn’t too small in my opinion, at least the one I got. Whatever container you print or use just needs to have a smaller screen or holes.
The pellets are an optimal size, but the granular is supposed to perform better. With our application (3D printing) the pellets are probably the better choice.

Re testing, still working fine.

I have found a “Canadian” industrial suppler of acid free Activated Carbon pellets. They are steam activated. I am in talks with the supplier, just trying to find out the minimum order is. Let me know if you are interested. Will keep you posted.


Yes. Please keep me informed. Thank you.

Hi, sorry to dig up and old post. I’m also curious if you were able to find out what their min order is? Also where in Canada are they located?

So the company is located in Mississauga, but the minimum order was a pallet I think it was 50 bags, 50 lbs bags. They won’t deliver to a non commercial address. There was roadblocks every turn. Frustrating.

Wow that’s a whole lot of activated carbon!

So have you found any other alternative?

Unfortunately not. I have given up for now.