Actions taken against spamming of low-quality models on MakerWorld

A large number of current makerworld users. Just uploading other people’s stuff to get points and be able to buy a printer. I saw it so many times where people wrote in their bio “I don’t have a printer, just uploading cool models so I can buy one”.

or this dude deliberately mislabeling his uploads to be able to join the contest.

The funny thing is, I’d support someone if they were serious about it. If they took the time to try and understand modeling for 3d printing, and worked with someone (If I saw someone put a request out like that, I’d be on board) to help test print their models before they ever post them.

These people aren’t that though. Those models aren’t good, even if you completely ignore the 3d printing aspect of it, those models are still objectively bad. They should not be allowed anywhere near an STL export function.


These are the people who win the prizes. And we real designers toil away and print things for days to see if they really work. Then someone else comes along and rates these things, which we have painstakingly put through their paces, with 3 stars and no comment.

What’s the point of such rubbish?


That’s amazing! Great work, he made a kit card for a tank that got smashed by the Incredible Hulk. Big brain stuff there.

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Another uploader of junk models : DK_ShadowParts | Published - MakerWorld

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It was an interesting browse this morning, looks like they grabbed the OReillys catalogue and just threw names out there :rofl:

Edit, just looked and they’re gone :frowning: LOL

is it me or this user is making AI images of printed models ? this seems to be the new trend these days … not sure how they do it but it does look fake to me TanishqPlays | Published - MakerWorld

Amazing, no z seam that I can see on any of their “printed” models. There is some weird fake light z seam thing going on though.

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These strange light-coloured seams are not identically positioned on the figure, even though it is supposed to be the same figure. If they were real seams and they would show up like this on a photo, why would they be in a different place on each figure printed from it (assuming they were different prints of the same model).


This one made me laugh at least.


I submitted a report on those earlier.

Not arguing with your assesment of this because I agree with you. Wait until scarf seams become popular and it’ll be harder to tell.

Scarf is available on the newest beta of Orca and Bambu slicers. For those unaware, scarf will “hide” seams by tapering (oversimplification) the ends of a layer.

yeah that too we wont see seems but i mean the image looks like digital ai or something meaby im wrong but its some tricky images there i have to say… havent personally reported the guy as I am not 100% if its a scam or not so wanted to share it here and see what others actually think about it

yep found some youtube videos of how they do its defintly fake 100% sure now


His profile is also very suspicious, he only has print profiles without a print image.

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if he cant take the time out to print and post pictures than he should have his stuff reported. its required.


Most of these will print poorly or require loads of support. And after separation the lower surfaces won’t have much resemblance to the ‘perfect’, rendered (AI?) images. Disappointing for people new to 3D printing and a waste of filament and time. Garbage.


We have noted your concerns about model spam in the New Uploads section and are taking steps to address this issue. Moderators have been appointed who will carefully monitor this section, ensuring that the rules are followed. We will strictly remove uploads without images showing actual printed models. Rule violators risk being removed and blocked. If our systems detect user activity as spam, we will take appropriate action.


Currently taking place this morning. Someone is just taking pictures of their desk and they have made at least 6 accounts so far. :rofl:

Guess Bambu is going to have to nerf making points on new model uploads next. :roll_eyes: