I upgraded to Bambu Studio on Windows 10, and the option for Adaptive Layer Height has disappeared. Changing filaments, plates, and printers has not caused it to reappear. Also, I cannot find it via the search feature.
I tried reinstalling, but nothing seemed to change.
So I installed this in a VM to avoid messing up my existing install. v01.03.01.01 looks fine in the VM. v01.04.00.17 is a mess with text in half the dialogs and hints cropped and misplaced.
This is where adaptive layer height has moved to. Stupid having a print profile setting on that toolbar. The dialog it drops down is equally janky where the buttons labeled Adaptive and Smooth are actually apply buttons for you values you set to their right. A plot indicating the layer height with print height is shown on the right of the screen.
You seem to be able to have completely different settings for different objects on the plate - I have trouble seeing that working especially with purge towers, but, when I added colors and a purge tower it wouldn’t slice with some mangled message text about only supported when all objects have the same adaptive settings.
This is I presume a result of better Arachne slicer integration. The UI for the new stuff sucks.
I also note there are no additional profiles for larger nozzles, and Arachne really shines producing quality and fast prints with larger nozzles.
Forgot to qualify that this is the Windows version. Messing with windows highdpi settings can fix the text but the program doesn’t properly calculate screen element sizes, only the bottom half of the lefthand settings panel scrolling with the bar or mouse for example.
I think I get the reasoning for handling the adaptive layer heights and smoothing in the Prepare tab, but I agree that there should at least be some options post-slicing.
I haven’t started any new prints using this method, but the results on-screen look cool.
Also, the text looks fine on my rig. Maybe it’s just a VM issue?
Of course adaptive layer height is preparation. It should be part of the process profile the same as non-adaptive layer height. Everything on that button bar was job not profile specific. This new adaptive height setting should be in the Process Quality tab with object and so job specific overrides available the same as everything else. It is looking like the new adaptive layer height is job specific meaning you will have to set and apply it on every job - what is the point having print profiles?
1.03 looks fine in the VM. 1.04 is broken. The VM screen is most of a 4k host with windows highdpi scaling set to 125%.