Is it possible to use the ‘add connectors’ functionality without cutting anything? What if I loaded in a several models that were already sized to fit on the print bed but I don’t want to model connectors on my own. Can I pick the two mating surfaces so Bambu Studio could place the connectors?
No there isn’t a way to do it using the Connectors Feature without also using the cut feature. However, it can be faked using the Boolean intersection feature but it is a lot of work. If you can upload the file or a representation of what you are referring to it will be possible to provide a more granular example of this.
OK Thank You. My model is wider than the printer allows, so it needs to be broken up. But I will explore adding connectors within Fusion 360. Or doing an impulse buy on one of those belt printers that allows for longer prints. lol
Fusion is a good option. Yet, being larger than the build plate will not affect using the BL slicer. It is indeed one of the motives for having a cutting option within the slicer.
Luckily its only bigger in one direction. The other two directions fit within the A1 bed. This concept of connectors is new to me. But I’m learning.
Someone a while back posed this same challenge. Rather than repost all of it here, check out this thread, it may give you some ideas.