Adding custom fonts to Bambu Studio?

I’ve spent hours trying to figure out how to get additional fonts to show up in Bambu Studio to no avail. Anyone successfully done this?


C:\Program Files\Bambu Studio\resources\fonts

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I stick fonts in there and they don’t appear as an option in bambu studio?

(3) Add custom fonts to Bambu Studio : BambuLab (

just found this

And this

(3) Fonts in Bambu Studio : BambuLab (

I want to add on to this and request an easy way to add in custom fonts on Mac OS and also make the scroll less chaotic when trying to go through fonts. TBH I’d really like to remove the fonts I won’t be using because it’d make designing a lot easier. Please make this a feature! feature-request bambu-studio-feature


Seeing this is one of the top viewed posts on here really affirms that EVERYBODY WANTS THEIR CUSTOM FONTS! Especially if making custom branded products using a brand’s font…this is crucial!


This is currently my biggest issue with Bambu Studio. Prusa Slicer supports this so it’s a bit surprising that the same text tool is so poorly supported in Bambu Studio.

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I would try to make an image with my own fonts, and print the image.
But when I scroll, there are a lot of fonts in my list:


Wrestled with this tonight, so sharing for future Googlers. If you’re looking for the answer for macOS, you need to put your fonts in /Library/Fonts/ and then restart Bambu Studio (or OrcaSlicer).

Fonts in ~/Library/Fonts/ (your user library folder) will NOT be loaded. There are a few other conditions. I posted details on this Issue on github: Ability to add fonts · Issue #818 · bambulab/BambuStudio · GitHub

Hope it helps. Still doesn’t solve for the twitchy font list…hopefully that comes later! For now, I just use the font list search function to find the font I need by name. ¯_(ツ)_/¯


In Windows you need to install fonts for all users. Then they show up in BS. It may mean copying the font from the windows fonts file, uninstalling it and then install again but ‘for all users’.


This is the workable solution for Mac… thanks

Thank you! Worked for me.

Some fonts are just not the easiest to accommodate for software. My fav for custom designs is Fixedsys (it most highly resembles the font on Fallout computer text), which I just confirmed shows up just fine for OrcaSlicer. I don’t know if there was some benefit to Bambu Studio for brand loyalty, but I can’t hold out for software that won’t do what I want. Still love Bambu Labs overall, so keep it real!

Here"s a fun example of such software frustrations. The open source ebook reader, Thorium manages to somehow detect fixedsys and make a sample text, BUT for whatever reason, the developer didn’t allow the text for the book to make the same conversion.

god im glad i found this it finally worked… thank you

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Still not working for me on mac. I copied the fonts main /Library folder as well as Bambu Studio fonts folded and they still don’t show up in the drop down. When I installed the fonts on mac normally they showed up instantly in Prusa Slicer so I’m stuck still using that for now. Any other help would be appreciated.

For anyone trying to get Mac to work I FINALLY figured out what was missing. You need to go into your Font Book → Settings → Installation and change “Current User” to “All Users”. Copying my custom fonts into the /Library/Fonts folder alone did not work for me maybe it depends on the OS version or default settings.



This did not make any difference for me. Install my font for all users and it still didn’t show up BBS after a restart.

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Sorry then, I’m not sure what the issue could be. Only thing I can think is the font has a different name once installed.

J’ai trouvé la solution
avant tout fermer le logiciel bambu studio
il faut que la police soit en true type
il faut télécharger la police sur ce site .com/
chercher et télécharger
ensuite ouvrir le dossier télécharger
et copier le fichier de la police dans le dossier fronts dans bambu
installer pour tout les utilisateur
et voila vous avez votre nouvelle police