Adjustable brim diameter on Organic Support parameter

I don’t think I saw this parameter in Bambu Studio, so correct me if I am wrong.

I would like to adjust the brims on Organic supports.

Sometimes I have a lone support with a tiny brim and I’ve had failures due to this scenario, compounded by my infill selection causing micro collisions/vibrations with higher speeds.

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Hi Kallvin,
Download Orca Slicer, it has brim width settings for supports and is a fork of Bambu Slicer, so you’ll have little to no learning curve.
Other things that could help, are:

  • consider lower speeds/acceleration settings
  • try using an adhesive for better first layer adhesion (depends on the bed and filament)
  • raise the Tree support branch diameter setting

And just maybe changing support infill/walls, support style could help as well.
Also make sure to check out this Bambu wiki page on supports and both of the videos on there if you haven’t yet: Support | Bambu Lab Wiki.

Happy printing!

Hey thanks for the tips and the link Balint, I appreciate that a lot.

I’ve had luck with adjusting print speeds and had several degrees of success applying that approach alone, but more personal testing in the other vectors is needed like you say. I’ll study their docs on supports a bit further this week and experiment.

I still do hope Bambu Labs will adopt some of the fork that Orca has done, but I will most likely end up tinkering with Orca anyways on the side. I haven’t done anything too technical and it’s mostly just been for art so far.

I can’t help but feel the default settings for Organic Supports could use some iteration from the team, when time permits of course. I’m just looking for exposure of a parameter to the end user and maybe some stronger default settings. That would be ideal!

I’ve tried each type of organic support quite a few times now, and they are nice for their application, when they function as intended!

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OrcaSlicer: Support → First layer expansion.

(I keep forgetting the name of the option and end up in this thread repeatedly…)

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