Printer: X1C (from 06/2024)
SW Version after Update:
Hey there,
After BambuStudio told me a new SW for the X1 was available ( Beta), I flashed it to the X1 over BambuStudio.
After the update was finished, the Printer showed an Error:
‘Unknown Error:
The printer is also not usable anymore, you can’t home or print something.
Has someone else this error or can give me a hint?
Cause I am not able to find any information in the Troubleshooting Error Code List from Bambu.
On Off is no option here, is there a way to downgrade officially?
problem was fixed with the new beta from Bambustudio. (1.10.2)
to receive the beta u have to download it manually from GitHub
Strange that the whole printer is not usable anymore when you don’t have the newest beta from bambustudio.
I would mind, that the printer is a standalone device…
Cause u are able to flash the SW from the printer itself without using any slicer… so for people who are not using a bambustudio or something like that is this a problem i guess…anyway error is gone for now, but I keep the ticket open to get an answer from bambu support for this topic.